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9 Horrifying Holiday Decor Fails To Top Off Yet Another Ridiculous Year https://ift.tt/3yMgYry

9 Horrifying Holiday Decor Fails To Top Off Yet Another Ridiculous Year


9 Horrifying Holiday Decor Fails from Instagram

Photos via Instagram by rebellhoffman / breezelchen / alesyabags

After the hard year (or years) we’ve had, everyone wants to wipe the emotional slate clean over the holidays—often by adorning our homes in bright lights, shiny baubles, a gorgeous-smelling Christmas tree, and more, in the hope of filling us all with good cheer.

Yet in reality? Most of us are lucky if our holiday decor remains intact until Christmas Eve (think sagging tree boughs and a tilted gingerbread house).

Then there are other decorations that can only be classified as tacky, bizarre, or scary, prompting all who see them to question the taste or sanity of the misguided person who put them up.

In case you’re worried this could be you—or just want to gasp and/or laugh at others’ mistakes—here are a few holiday decor fails we’ve spied in the depths of Instagram that you should never, ever try at home.

1. Don’t trim your tree like a poodle

When it comes to tree selection, don’t settle for less than a whole tree, rather than something that looks like it’s undergone an appendectomy.

A tree without a fluffy middle won’t leave you enough room for baubles, and no one is going to buy your “Charlie Brown Christmas Theme” story when they come over.

2. Don’t go overboard with baubles or balloons

We’re on board with the pink-and-gold palette, instead of the usual silver and gold. The glittery balls here are fine too—although they seem freakishly large.

But it’s the crushing load of balloons overhead that should give you pause. Some of them are so close to the ceiling can lights that several will no doubt pop and scare the hell out of the dog.

3. Don’t even try to build a gingerbread house

We’re not sure whether this cookie house will ever achieve structural integrity and stay glued together, but the maker is doing her darnedest to smoosh it straight.

If you must create and then show off this confection, at least hide it behind a poinsettia or two.

4. No nude Santas, please

A trip to the Caribbean is awfully nice to remember when the weather is cold. But come on, let’s keep the Big Guy in his red suit trimmed with white fluff. Seeing Mr. Claus in his trunks is just TMI.

5. Keep flammable stockings away from a fire

We want to love this pretty, subdued setup and the way it channels a rustic, hygge vibe.

However, the way the trimmings (the stockings, the wrapped gift, those adorable stockings) are so close to the flames says Yikes! It’s a fire just waiting to happen.

Remove 75% of the decorations from this hearth, pronto, and double-check that you know where your fire extinguishers are stashed while you’re at it..

6. A Christmas tree should not need to feed

We get it. Someone loves “Little Shop of Horrors” and thinks Audrey II is the best. But a carnivorous Venus flytrap tree? You’re going to give the kids nightmares on Christmas Eve with those crazy mouths, pointy fangs, and blood-red lips. The holiday is supposed to be about comfort and joy, not creepiness and gore.

7. No skulls on the mantel, please

A full and

festive mantel is one thing, but mixing skulls with peace signs, a nutcracker, and a snowman is a bridge too far. Something has to give here—we’ll let you decide.

8. Make sure your angels have heads

Really? You had to go all “Sleepy Hollow” on us? These gruesome singers without heads are enough to send your friends and family shrieking into the night.

If, on the other hand, your plan is to scare potential carolers at your door so you don’t have to miss the Warriors game on TV, then you’ve hit pay dirt.

9. Don’t dress up exotic pets as decor

We know it’s a bit of a stretch to mention this as an example of holiday decor, but ahem: Sticking antlers on your poor pet turtle?

You might want to ask yourseIf, “Is this normal?”

You might also consider whether other people adorn their reptiles the same way. If your answer is probably not, then let this poor creature roam free, without a headband around his middle.

The post 9 Horrifying Holiday Decor Fails To Top Off Yet Another Ridiculous Year appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.


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