hits the scene – A taproot powered protocol for issuing assets on the Bitcoin

Taro hits the scene – A taproot powered protocol for issuing assets on the Bitcoin

Taro –

“A taproot powered protocol for issuing assets on the Bitcoin that can be transferred over the Lightning Network. Taro enables the Lightning Network to move to a multi-asset network with Bitcoin at it’s core.”

If it passes the peer review test – can bring the usecase of issuing and transfering digital assets that aren’t bitcoin UTXOs to the LNP/BP stack. If Taro is able to do this, it renders all of the competing altcoin narratives obsolete overnight.


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“I like the high utility-to-speculation ratio in the bitcoin ecosystem, this idea included. Many alts focus on token speculation, whereas much in the bitcoin space is focused on security, wallets, payments, etc.” – Lynn Alden


BREAKING: Lightning Labs raises $70 MILLION to build a stablecoin and asset protocol on Bitcoin.

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