message to all the Crypto Executive PACS in the US.

Open message to all the Crypto Executive PACS in the US.

Dear Crypto PACS,

I just read the Politico article about PACS on Politico. [

I am not the best English speaker but I have been in politics for quite some time.

My tip is that if you want to be effective in politics, you hire programmers to finish the work of RepMyBlock the way Satochi did it, and Linus Torval did before.

By donating to the candidate directly, you are actually donating to their Election Lawyers, the printer that print the material, and the advertising media market.

What is needed are simple things:

– The Transparency of the raw voters files in the 3600 counties of the United States: [](

– The Transparency in people getting on the ballot.

If you want to change the landscape for real, you need to attack the problem where it hurts, and that is done by winning the heart and minds of the people that vote.

The best thing with RepMyBlock, it’s that there is no paperwork since everything is done trough sweat equity. This is a list of tickets that need fixing: [](

I have setup a website to fight the regulations locally: [](

Theo Chino

Since you have millions, if you could help me defray the cost of my lawyers because my wife want to divorce me.

You can check my twitter profile to find me: [](

A few tweet that defined the fight against false regulation:


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