causes power outages and protests in Kazakhstan, thoughts?

Bitcoin causes power outages and protests in Kazakhstan, thoughts?

here’s just one article, but you can find more by googling(and not from the MSM if you’re that type of person):


* miners flee to kazakhstan after china cracks down on crypto
* kazakhstan infrastructure struggles to manage
* gets power outages all winter long
* a large swathe of the energy infrastructure is relient on gas, so the government increases its price
* civil unrest

This in turn has led to the country declaring a state of emergency and civil unrest as the people protests the government (not just for this, but this situation seems to have been the straw that broke the camel’s back).

It may or may not cool down and devolve into civil war, as protesters have reportedly looted weapon depots and Kazakhstan has turned to Belarus and Russia to help “quell the rebellion”:

thoughts? i don’t own cryptocurrency (nor do i ever plan to), but i’m curious to see what your thoughts are

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