USD vs DCEP vs BTC the emerging contest.

USD vs DCEP vs BTC the emerging contest.

‘As spatial salability contains the key for understanding the fiat monetary system, it also constitutes the key criterion by which to assess Bitcoin’s competitive threat to government central banks. Bitcoin’s ability to settle hundreds of thousands of transactions worldwide regardless of the distances involved gives it a far superior spatial salability to gold, and its ability to cross borders and perform final settlement in the matter of hours without the need for recourse to the political and legal institutions of the countries involved mean its salability is not contingent on the fiat of political authority.’


Above quote from Saifedean Ammous’ sequel to’The Bitcoin Standard’, ‘The Fiat Standard’

The two books together form a good basis for considering the contest of global monetary hegemony now emerging between The USA, China and our mutual, non aligned friend, the DLT algorithm, BITCOIN.





[Competition heating up!](

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