Gov’t is about to invest in bitcoin. Putin just “directed the Central Bank of Russia not to neglect the advantages of Bitcoin mining.” Biden’s executive order of national security is not to regulate bitcoin. It’s to buy bitcoin in the name of national security. My source is my ass.

US Gov’t is about to invest in bitcoin. Putin just “directed the Central Bank of Russia not to neglect the advantages of Bitcoin mining.” Biden’s executive order of national security is not to regulate bitcoin. It’s to buy bitcoin in the name of national security. My source is my ass.

Putin Says Russia Has a “Competitive Advantage” in Crypto Mining

Putin said, “The central bank does not stand in our way of technical progress and is making the necessary efforts to introduce the latest technologies in this area of ​​activity.” The US has no choice but to allow bitcoin.

My conspiracy theory:

After Putin said for the Russian Central banks to mine bitcoin, Biden’s military advisers gave the green light for Biden to issue an exec order is to print money to buy bitcoin. It will also to start building nuclear power plants to mine bitcoin.

Logic and game theory dictates this action.

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