Solar to Crypto/Research – A Heating that pays you !

Convert Solar to Crypto/Research – A Heating that pays you !

Got so much hate for posting this in offgrid related subs its unbelievable… so many karens read the word “crypto” and immediately post walls of hate how “bitcoin is destroying the planet hurr durr” and ofc proceed to downvote. ofc without reading any of the post or watching the video about using decentralized computing with spare solar power for “whatever” like folding@home, seti@home or yes crypto. Many of you the guys in the crypto world will probably lol at my “rigs”, but hey got to start somewhere…

Many OffGrid Dwellers and Solar system owners alike have the same thought:

How to use excess Electric Energy after the batteries are full ?!?

Grind injection (if possible) pays very little and letting all the power go to waste is such a tragedy..

A possible Solution for you could be to convert that into bitcoin or support medical research (folding@home) and other Projects like Seti@home:

**Solar to Crypto/Research – A Heating that pays you ! How to use spare electric energy**

Short Tutorial/Howto and my setup from old parts:


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