Launches Bitcoin Savings Plans for Companies

NYDIG Launches Bitcoin Savings Plans for Companies


The New York Digital Investment Group (NYDIG) announced that they will be offering a new bitcoin savings program for companies interested in partnering with them. The service will provide bitcoin trading and storage features that will not incur any fees to employees. All bitcoin will be held in NYDIG’s cold storage solution.

NYDIG offers a broad range of bitcoin related products that help companies integrate services or gain exposure to bitcoin. Employees of participating companies will be able to convert a portion of their paycheck to bitcoin the same way one would set aside funds for their company 401k retirement plan.

Former NFL superstar Drew Brees has confirmed that Everbowl, StretchZone, and other companies he is involved with will collaborate with NYDIG. Brees will also be allocating a portion of his compensation to bitcoin using the same plan as his employees. 

Within the announcement, Brees states “For a long time, bitcoin was pretty intimidating for me. The more I have immersed myself in the understanding of money, long-term value, and the history of finance, the importance of bitcoin became apparent,”. 

Brees then goes on to explain that NYDIG is a trusted leader within the Bitcoin space. “In its 13-year history, Bitcoin has been an inclusive vehicle for wealth creation, and a Bitcoin Savings Plan is one of the easiest ways to start saving.”

Other companies that are partnering with NYDIG include: the Houston Rockets, Landry’s, Q2, MVB Bank, Vantage Bank, FullStack, Iris, TIE, and Burrow. 

NYDIG Chief Innovation Officer Patrick Sells sees a bitcoin savings plan as an opportunity to attract talent who want to be paid in bitcoin. He states, “A NYDIG Bitcoin Savings Plan is an easy-to-adopt benefit that can help employers stand out from the pack while providing their employees with a critical tool for protecting their financial futures.”

This sentiment is based on a NYDIG Workforce 2022 survey where 36% of the respondents in the age range of 18-29 stated that they would be interested in having a portion of their salary be paid in bitcoin. 31% of respondents in the age range of 30-44 would also accept a portion of their salary in bitcoin.

Deniz Saat is an IT services specialist and technical writer. His mission is to onboard as many people as possible into the Bitcoin overlay through education and content creation.

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