Massive Dinos on the Big Screen to Magical Bears in the Metaverse, Peter Dennelis Is Taking NFT Artwork to a Whole New Level

From Massive Dinos on the Big Screen to Magical Bears in the Metaverse, Peter Dennelis Is Taking NFT Artwork to a Whole New Level

Great, timeless artwork is meant to inspire awe and wonder in those who behold it. For Peter Dennelis, this is always a standard he’s held himself to. He’s worked alongside some of the big players in the production design industry, such as Andy Nicholson, Kate Hawley, and Adam Stockhausen. He’s created 3D designs for world-famous studios such as Disney, Warner Bros, Universal Pictures, and a number of other established companies. After eleven years of practicing his craft, Peter Dennelis has truly carved a name out for himself in the art world. If you’ve seen Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018), or Suicide Squad (2016), then you’ve no doubt gotten a taste for the extraordinary quality of creativity and design that Peter brings to every project he touches.

Following some lively conversation over drinks with 3D designer now-turned NFT artist Peter Dennelis, and doing a deep dive into his artistic background, it was apparent that he was the right fit to be the artist to help bring the Majestic Bears NFT project to the public.

Aided by our team of investors, entrepreneurs, Blockchain experts, and marketing professionals, there’s no obstacle that can possibly stop The Majestic Bears. Each Majestic Bear NFT boasts its own unique design and story – as well as a few extras you get access to after buying one.

As we approach the launch of Majestic Bears, we’ll be putting everyone on our team of designers in the spotlight, and sharing their story with you. All of them possess a high level of expertise in their chosen style. Plus, they’ve been exclusively hand-picked directly from a select number of household names in the production industry, such as Universal, Warner Bros, and Disney – just to name a few.

Peter Dennelis cut some time out of his busy schedule for us to interview him about the Majestic Bears NFT project, and what excited him the most about it. We also talked about what the transition into the world of NFTs has been like for him.

Q: When you think about Majestic Bears, what got you most excited about being part of the project?

Peter Dennelis: I’d have to say it was the idea of seeing my creations come to life in the Metaverse. I mean, it’s one thing to see your designs moving around on a screen, but once the Metaverse becomes more widely adopted, it’s just going to be so cool to actually interact with something that was just a figment of my imagination at one point.

Q: Prior to starting work on Majestic Bears, how in touch were you with the NFT space?

Peter Dennelis: Not too much, really.Sure, I’d heard about NFTs through social media and maybe in passing conversations with friends, but I couldn’t really put my finger on what it was exactly. I still didn’t know exactly what an NFT was… Now, every week, we’re hearing about celebrities dropping thousands of dollars on NFTs, like the Bored Apes, so there must be some merit to it.

Things got interesting when I took a trip out to Miami Beach. I was going to the Art Basel – a contemporary art exhibition that they have every year. That’s where I met Julien, the co-founder of Majestic Bears. He’s been in the NFT space since its inception, and had been traveling around to different countries giving talks about it. Of course, he talked my ear off about it, but his energy and enthusiasm for NFTs was contagious. Plus, he was looking for an artist for his collection… So, after meeting up and chatting a few times, we decided to link up and work on Majestic Bears together.

Q: What can artists expect to find in terms of opportunities in the NFT space?

Peter Dennelis: I’m definitely not an expert on the topic, but I can guarantee you that if you’re an artist, and you’re looking to make a living (or more!) from your art, get in now. If you missed out on the Dot Com boom back in 2000, or buying Bitcoin for pennies on the dollar in the early 2010s, then now’s the time to act. NFTs are still pretty new, and the space is only going to expand from here on out.

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