Salvador and Paxful Team Up to Launch Bitcoin Education Center

El Salvador and Paxful Team Up to Launch Bitcoin Education Center


Paxful announced on February 2nd, 2022 that they have launched a Bitcoin education center in the center of El Salvador. ‘La Casa Del Bitcoin’ is an education and training center built for anyone who wants to learn or engage in opportunities within the Bitcoin space. 

The center will host offices for the Built With Bitcoin Foundation where other projects for the area may be planned and executed. La Casa Del Bitcoin will also host events, meetups, workshops, lectures, and other meetings within the space.

CEO and co-founder of Paxful Ray Youssef stated “It’s no secret that Bitcoin is shaping the future of finance in El Salvador and beyond. Education continues to be a key driver of global Bitcoin adoption and this new center represents its importance to the creation of an inclusive financial system. From the small merchant to the Bitcoin enthusiast, we’re excited to learn from the people and share the power of Bitcoin for freedom and equal financial access.” 

Paxful is one of the largest peer-to-peer marketplaces for bitcoin. All users can trade their fiat in 350 different ways to obtain bitcoin. Some of these methods include: bank transfers, gift cards, cash, debit or credit cards, goods and services, Zelle, PayPal, and hundreds of other payment services.

Youssef founded Paxful in order to make finance accessible to everyone. He is also one of the founders for the Built With Bitcoin Foundation where they bring clean water and education to developing areas. By collaborating between Paxful, the Built With Bitcoin Foundation, and El Salvador, building an education center will allow more people to understand and adopt bitcoin. With more bitcoin circulating in the community, more investments will be made toward improving the community’s infrastructure and attracting talent to work within the country.

By educating the local community, El Salvador will be able to employ more people who are either underemployed or unemployed. Within just five months of El Salvador making bitcoin legal tender, the education center will begin classes on February 3rd, 2022. With projects like these, the country continues to show its commitment to empowering their people with bitcoin.

Deniz Saat is an IT services specialist and technical writer. His mission is to onboard as many people as possible into the Bitcoin overlay through education and content creation.

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