You Will Never Have All The Answers — Use Mike Horn’s 5% Rule To Take Action With Bitcoin | by Sylvain Saurel | Dec, 2021

You Will Never Have All The Answers — Use Mike Horn’s 5% Rule To Take Action With Bitcoin | by Sylvain Saurel | Dec, 2021

Take action, and then adapt little by little.

Image: Mike Horn

Mike Horn is a Swiss adventurer and explorer born in South Africa. He is a man apart with an incredible philosophy of life. He deserves to be known. Mike Horn became famous in 2001 when he completed a one-year, 6-month solo journey around the equator without any motorized transport.

He then completed in 2004 a two-year, 3-month solo circumnavigation of the Arctic Circle. Finally, in 2006, along with the Norwegian explorer Børge Ousland, they became the first men to travel without a dog or motorized transport to the North Pole during winter, in permanent darkness.

Mike Horn has accomplished many other feats over the past twenty years, but here are his three main achievements that allow you to situate the character. Above all, it allows you to understand the unique mindset of this man.

To a person who asked him one day if he was afraid of moving into the unknown, Mike Horn answered this:

“To start moving, you just need to have 5% of the answers to your questions, the other 95% come along the way. Those who want 100% of the answers to start moving remain stuck.”

I find his answer fascinating and very inspiring.

Many times we try to get all the answers to our questions before we start moving. This wastes a lot of our time. Also, at some point, we realize that it is impossible to have all the answers to our questions. The risk is that you will never take action out of fear.

Wanting to have all the answers to his questions before taking action is a mistake for Mike Horn. If he had followed this approach, then he would not have achieved any of his feats.

Mike Horn advocates a much more relevant and daring approach: take action as soon as you have 5% of the answers to your questions. The other 95% will come as you progress. This 5% is what you need to take your first steps, which are always the hardest.

Once you start, everything will become much clearer. Above all, you will have no choice but to move forward. You won’t be able to go backward, you’ll have to find solutions.

This is the mindset you need to get into the Bitcoin world and take full advantage of this incredible monetary revolution. I think there’s a striking parallel here.

Bitcoin is a major paradigm shift. You go from fiat currencies manipulated by States to decentralized hard money that has no leader. Hard money that is owned by each of its users. It is naturally scary to see that the people have so much power in their hands. Many people like the idea that governments are a safeguard.

The problem is that they have abused the trust necessary for such a system to function properly for years. Governments and central bankers have only two words in mind: more money creation to support ever-increasing debt. They only know how to manage the monetary and financial system by always printing more fiat money out of thin air.

However, many are reassured by the fact that governments will always be there just in case to ensure the value of the fruits of their labor. I’m going to disappoint you, but the only thing your governments guarantee is that your purchasing power will drop inexorably over time.

Even after you realize this, you may be afraid to switch to a new system like Bitcoin. You may make the mistake of wanting to know the answers to all the possible questions before jumping into the Bitcoin adventure.

If you do that, chances are you’ll never take action. Not because Bitcoin isn’t worth it, quite the contrary, but because there will always be something you don’t understand that will hold you back. Something that will put you in doubt.

This is where Mike Horn’s approach should inspire you.

The key to getting started in the world of Bitcoin is to have answers to the 5% of the most important questions you need to ask yourself:

  • Why is Bitcoin different from anything else out there?
  • How can Bitcoin protect the fruits of my labor?
  • How can I take full advantage of the Bitcoin revolution?

Bitcoin is unlike anything else out there, because it is a monetary system with a limited supply of 21 million units, with a programmatic monetary policy that abstracts you from the natural human penchant for corruption. Bitcoin has no leader and therefore belongs to you, just as it belongs to all its users.

Once you have the private keys associated with your Bitcoin, no one can take it away from you or prevent you from using it as you wish. Bitcoin gives you three basic freedoms that are guaranteed at all times:

  • Freedom to receive BTC
  • Freedom to send BTC
  • Freedom to HODL BTC

Combined, these three freedoms allow you to live your life on your own terms. To take advantage of all that the Bitcoin revolution has to offer, you simply have to buy Bitcoin and become a Bitcoin HODLer. Patience is the key to getting the most out of Bitcoin.

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