fidelity proxy created blockfi so they always have a endless supply of bitcoin for shorting then who created celcius to supply them with bitcoin for shorting?

if fidelity proxy created blockfi so they always have a endless supply of bitcoin for shorting then who created celcius to supply them with bitcoin for shorting?

someone should add up how much bitcoin is being used for shorting, blockfi,celcius,nexo and whatever other ones

thats a lot of bitcoin thats being used against bitcoin

lol anyone ever wonder what the price of bitcoin would be if there was no ‘endless supply’ of bitcoin to be used for shorting?

over 400k per bitcoin likely if you exstrapulate from when the cme started shorting bitcoin in early 2018

elon musk explains shorting in this vid starting at about 42 mins in

its an important vid to watch cuz hes the only one i ever seen that explains the purpose of shorting and why it was ‘invented’ long time ago by people that are in the grave now and could never have imagined the world we live in today

i wonder how long this fucked up ability that was meant for a time of horse and carriage will go on..

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