is using NFT as their Twitter profile picture?

Who is using NFT as their Twitter profile picture?

For some time now, Twitter has been allowing its users to use an NFT as their profile image

These are static hexagonal images represented by NFTs held by the user on their crypto wallet. 

The service of Eidoo and Poseidon

Related to this, Eidoo and the Poseidon group have launched a project that allows for checking who is already using NFTs as their Twitter profile image

The website is Hexagons Cafe and reveals that there are already more than 9,000 unique users who have chosen to replace the classic profile image with an NFT. 

Growth in the number of users using NFT on Twitter as profile image

This is a growing number, because on average more than 700 are added every day

The website also shows a random NFT of these new profile images every time you open it, and by clicking on “Shuffle pfp”, a new one will appear. 

Many of the NFT profile pictures are from users closely tied to the Ethereum community, and given that the official Ethereum Foundation profile has over two million followers, it’s easy to imagine that the number of those who have chosen to take advantage of this option could grow quite a lot in the coming months. 

Hexagons Cafe also has an official Twitter profile, called hexagons-game.eth, which obviously has an NFT as its profile picture. 

In order to use this feature, it is necessary to have a subscription to Twitter Blue

Twitter allows its users to use an NFT as a profile picture.

Twitter Blue is a paid monthly subscription that offers access to premium features on Twitter. For now, it is still active only in the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, but slowly will be extended to other countries. 

After subscribing it’s very easy to replace the profile image with an NFT, and Twitter Blue itself has recently published a short video tutorial that shows how to do it:

For now, only static image NFTs (JPEG, PNG) minted on the Ethereum blockchain (ERC-721 and ERC-1155 formats) are supported.

In order to upload them you need to connect an NFT wallet of your choice between Argent, Coinbase Wallet, Ledger Live, MetaMask, Rainbow and Trust Wallet to your Twitter profile. 

Obviously, you can only use NFTs that you own, so before uploading them you need to make sure you own them on the wallet you want to use. 

If the NFT used as a profile image is sold, the hexagonal shape of the profile image will return to a circle shape, but the image will remain, though no longer as an NFT. 


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