Consumes The Least Amount Of Energy Compared To BTC, ETH and SOL | CryptoGazette

Polkadot Consumes The Least Amount Of Energy Compared To BTC, ETH and SOL | CryptoGazette

It’s been just revealed that Ethereum challenger Polkadot (DOT) is consuming the last amount of electricity out of any leading blockchains.

DOT consumes less energy than BTC, ETH, and SOL

According to new research which has been conducted by the Crypto Carbon Ratings Institute (CCRI), the interoperable blockchain platform seems to be using less power than other popular cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and Solana (SOL).

The institute found that DOT is consuming just 6.6 times the electricity the average US household uses in a year. It’s highly important to note that this is making it the least power-draining digital asset among the top chains.

Just to have a comparison, ETH uses 1.6 million times what the average US household uses in electricity while that number jumps up to 8.6 million for BTC, according to the CCRI.

“An average US household consumes about 10,600 kWh per year and therefore, the least electricity consuming network Polkadot consumes about 6.6 times the electricity and the most electricity consuming network Solana about 200 times the electricity (U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2021)…”

The notes continue and reveal the following:

“Bitcoin consumes much more electricity than any Proof of Stake system due to its Proof of Work consensus mechanism, resulting in the deployment of energy-intensive hardware.”

Polkadot price prediction

Last month, we were addressing some important crypto predictions and Polkadot was one of the interesting coins to look at.

The crypto market is making efforts to recover following recent massive price corrections. Check out the latest predictions about the prices of some important coins.

It’s been just revealed that an important crypto strategist is mapping out what’s ahead for Ethereum-competitors Cardano (ADA), Polkadot (DOT), Terra (LUNA), and four other altcoins.

Altcoin Sherpa also made sure to address interoperable blockchain Polkadot (DOT), which he says could find support at $15.

Stay tuned for more news and make sure to check out the prices in the crypto market.

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