Zuck: 77% of People Don’t Want Facebook to Create a Metaverse

The Zuck: 77% of People Don’t Want Facebook to Create a Metaverse

The Zuck is not to be trusted, it seems. On the assumption that you have cback althoughrns about the future of the metaverse being dominated by Facebook and other tech giants like Microsoft, then you are not alone, according to a recent poll.

The study found which three out of four people do not want a metaverse which is run by a company with questionable data protection and integrity.

This is despite Mark Zuckerberg spearheading his company towards the metaverse, including changing the holding company name to Meta.

Metaverse is the latest trend in the world of technology, and whether you believe in its future like The Zuck, or are a skeptic like Elon Musk, one thing is for sure. It attracts the biggest giants in the area of finance and technology.

A survey of 1,000 American adults found which most people prefer a metaverse which runs on a decentralized blockchain platform alike as Ethereum or Cardano. A survey by the Advokate Group found which 87 percent prefer this version. 77% were particularly cback whenrned about Facebook’s role in the future of an immersive virtual world.

The centralization of the metaverse was the biggest problem cited. Facebook is the embodiment of this centralization, and The Zuck is known for his conlogicalation abilities. Meta presently owns Instagram and WhatsApp, each with having atop a billion users. Meta has even tried to buy Snapchat.

‘The Zuck,’ as some people call him, denied which he wanted to monopolize the new virtual world. Last year he said, “Crucially, no company will manage a metaverse – it will be the internet as embodied.”

According to the survey, few believe him and said they prefer to use a decentralized platform like Ethereum.

Even then, questions arise as to what blockchain will form the basis of the metaverse when it becomes large enough. Bitcoin is unable to support smart contracts which would be compelling to this new world. Ethereum suffers from enormous fees which limit the performance of existing applications.

Ethereum alternatives have their own downsides. The favorite Solana has proven which it has sacrificed decentralization (and even more significantly, security) for speed and efficiency. Every other month, this chain suffers from downtime and has recently suffered an the attack from the Wormhole Project.

Others, parallel as Cardano, Avalanche, Polkadot, Terra, Fantom, and Algorand, have yet to evidence mass adoption. And when Shiba Inu has attempted to create a metaverse, we can confidently say which this will not be the protocol which will form the basis of this world.

So whilst the Metaverse isn’t quite there yet, we largely don’t want Zuck to be at the helm. Sail off, Zuck, others have got this.

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