‘Talking-Crypto-May-Help-Americans-in-the-Dating-Pool-Find.jpg‘Talking Crypto May Help Americans in the Dating Pool Find Love’, Suggests eToro Survey

‘Talking Crypto May Help Americans in the Dating Pool Find Love’, Suggests eToro Survey

The results of a recent survey by social trading and multi-asset brokerage eToro suggest that “talking crypto may help Americans in the dating pool find love (or at least a second date) this Valentine’s Day.”

According to eToro’s press release, findings from the company’s first Crypto & Culture survey — which was released on January 26 — looked at “preferences related to dating, crypto and other financial habits for 2,000 U.S. consumers.”

The press release went on to say that it appears that just mentioning crypto in your online dating profile could help you to make a “love connection”.

eToro says:

33% of Americans said they would be more likely to go on a date with someone who mentioned cryptoassets in their online dating profile, and more than 40% of men and 25% of women indicated that their interest in a potential date is stronger when crypto is mentioned. When it comes to paying the bill on a first date, survey findings indicate that spending cryptocurrency may also play a crucial role in solidifying a second date. Nearly three in four (74%) respondents noted they would be interested in going on a second date with a person who paid the bill in bitcoin. Interestingly enough, paying the bill in bitcoin is of greater interest to men than women.

Another — perhaps not too surprising — finding was that “showing your sweetheart the money may be a key to gift-giving success”. Apparently “34% of respondents indicated that they would be most excited to receive cash or a gift card for the holiday of love, compared to just 12% of respondents interested in jewelry.”

Anna Stone, eToro’s Director of Corporate Social Responsibility, had this to say:

From online dating to investing in traditional and cryptoassets, app-based interactions have become a central part of some of the biggest life projects we can embark upon. At a time when we can make our most inherently personal choices with the click of a button, our latest survey findings help illuminate the connections between how we navigate two seemingly unrelated topics.


The views and opinions expressed by the author, or any people mentioned in this article, are for informational purposes only, and they do not constitute financial, investment, or other advice. Investing in or trading cryptoassets comes with a risk of financial loss.

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