Integration w/ Rarible Protocol 5 Day Vote Goes Live

DIGITALAX Integration w/ Rarible Protocol 5 Day Vote Goes Live

Sometimes, the fit between web3 fashion and NFT marketplace protocols is so well aligned that it makes us wonder why we didn’t bring it to a vote earlier.

Eric Arsenault, the Head of Ecosystem of Rarible Protocol DAO, approached me after Miami Art Basel, and we’ve had a few calls since, about some of the most interesting ways that DIGITALAX could bridge the web3 fashion economy into the Rarible protocol stack, and why it would be a great fit for their grants program.

So, with that said, DIGITALAX last week submitted our grant proposal to the Rarible governance forum, it has now been vetted by the Rarible core team and is live on the Rarible DAO Snapshot space for voting.

Having the support of the Rarible ecosystem and grant is really valuable for the advancement of not just web3 fashion and modeling as a whole, but also the composable, modular interfaces across many Realms, all with a shared orderbook and shared liquidity.

Changing how people understand the entire NFT landscape can catapult the Rarible Protocol — and the decentralised multitudes of custom marketplace and NFT discovery interfaces built on the DIGITALAX x Rarible ecosystems — further into the mainstream, ahead of the many more recent, very centralized marketplaces that currently get a lot more of the media and mainstream consumer hype so far.

DIGITALAX’s heralding of open source and decentralised code, capital and culture, is a natural fit with the Rarible protocol, and one of the reason’s why we are most excited about this potential collaboration.

It’s not hard to get how apparel or textiles in the physical world already play a pivotal role in day to day life. To bridge the gap between what’s already intuitive in physical environments for all of us to when it’s just as obvious why NFTs of the more digital, immersive, multi-utility, and fully decentralized kind are just as real, isn’t easy. Let’s be real. If it were easy, the market would look very different than it does so far.

The technical advances of the shared order book, shared liquidity, open source indexer, and all the rest of what Rarible Protocol enables, combined with the new engineering funded by this grant proposal, will bring this utility and understanding to the voracious and savvy content consumer and creator cultures within fashion, art, music, interactive immersive spaces, etc, — starting here in NYC and extending throughout the metaverse.

See the proposal on the Rarible Governance forum here too.


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