Ted Cruz bought the dip. How about you, anon?

Senator Ted Cruz bought the dip. How about you, anon?

Huge that reps are buying bitcoin. But F Ted Cruz. I send his office a message asking him to consider supporting the For the People Act because it curbs gerrymandering and other BS that reduces the representation of all Americans. And his office comes back with some basically unrelated BS about protecting the integrity of elections. His letter gives false nonsense about these things that were unrelated to my message. Sure, fine, require registration and IDs whatever. But get rid of f*&cking gerrymandering already. Yes it would be best to do this at the state level. But the *best* thing the federal government can do is place restrictions on states instead of people.

I responded asking for specifics about what provisions in these bills Ted disagrees with, and they sent me the same exact f*&cking form letter:

Thank you for contacting me regarding voting rights legislation. Input from fellow Texans significantly informs my decision-making and empowers me to better represent the state.

As you may know, there are several proposals relating to voting rights making their way through the legislative process, including: the For the People Act (S. 1), the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act (S. 4), and the Freedom to Vote Act (S. 2747). These disastrous bills would federalize our elections, which, under our Constitution, are primarily run by the states. They would have the effect of striking down common sense election reforms at the state level, including voter ID requirements, prohibitions on ballot harvesting, and would resurrect preclearance provisions of the Voting Rights Act that have already been ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. Preclearance requirements essentially usurp the power that the Constitution has delegated to the states, stealing their power away by forcing state lawmakers to ask for the permission of unelected Washington bureaucrats before enacting law.

These purported reforms would jeopardize the integrity of our elections, especially given the serious distrust in the system right now—and not just among Republicans. Polling shows that Independents and even some Democrats have concerns about election integrity. We need to do everything we can to protect the integrity of our elections and restore trust in the process.

When the Voting Rights Act was passed in 1965, portions of our country were using poll taxes, grandfather clauses, and other measures to perniciously deny citizens their constitutional right to vote on the basis of race. As the Supreme Court recognized in 2013 in Shelby County v. Holder, the Voting Rights Act stopped these practices, and our nation is better off for it. But we have made enormous progress toward voting equality in the United States since 1965, which is why the Court held in Shelby that preclearance requirements were no longer necessary or consistent with the Constitution.

States legislatures across the country, including Texas, have passed reasonable laws to ensure the integrity of elections. Despite these reasonable protections having been enacted through legitimate legislative processes by democratically elected state lawmakers, Democrats continue to insist these actions somehow undermine democracy and can only be rectified through a total federal overhaul of elections. That is an assault on the right to vote.

Protecting the integrity of our electoral system from threats both foreign and domestic is critical to the operation of American democracy. Federal legislation should treat every state equally, and Texas—which has elected more African-Americans and Hispanics statewide than most other States—should not have its legislative decisions unfairly subjected to second-guessing by unelected federal bureaucrats.

Thank you again for sharing your views with me. Please feel free to contact me in the future about any issue important to you or your family. It is an honor to serve you and the people of Texas.

So F*&K Ted Cruz.


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