Lawler: Deaths by Age

From housing economist Tom Lawler: (CR Note: This is valuable demographic data)

Provisional data from the CDC indicate that there have been 3,427,882 US deaths reported for 2021 as of 2/9/2022, up from 3,383,729 deaths in 2020. Because of reporting delays in some parts of the country the 2021 final death numbers will be a little bit higher that the numbers in the 2/9 report.

CDC also reports provisional death counts by age groups, and below is a table showing 2021 deaths reported so far by age compared to final death counts by age for 2020 and 2019.

Deaths by AgeWhile the absolute increase in the number of deaths in 2021 compared to 2019 was largest in the relatively elderly, the % increases in deaths were largest in the 25-54 year old age groups.

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