Announces The GOmeta Tier System

GOmetalaunch Announces The GOmeta Tier System




GOmetalaunch, Cardano’s first cross-chain Metaverse IDO Launchpad, is reminding interested parties that the seed sale for its utility token, $URGO, is ongoing. Already, 42% of tokens allocated for the seed sale have been sold within 12 days, with 16 more days remaining to the end of the sale. Even more exciting is the Feb. 15 release of the DEMO DApp (Launchpad Web APP) by GO Labs.

GOmetalaunch aims at being the gateway to the Metaverse by bringing to the community key Metaverse projects. Being a Metaverse launchpad means it offers GO community members and token holders the opportunity to become early investors of the exclusive Metaverse projects launched by GOmetalaunch.

Other than the DEMO DApp, the GOmeta team is introducing what it calls the GOmeta Tier System. The four-level framework enables the project to achieve its ethos of true decentralization, community engagement, and user empowerment. It places community members at different shareholder levels, where the more tokens one has, the more the benefits and rewards they enjoy.

At the bottom of the Tier, the system is spectators, who require a minimum of 200,000 $URGO tokens to participate. Stars require 500,000 tokens to participate, while directors require 1 million tokens. At the top are producers whose token requirement is 2 million. All tiers require tokens to be staked 3 hours before the allocation round. The pool weight for each tier is: spectators 5%, stars 15%, directors 30%, and producers 50%.

Incoming and existing GOmetalaunch community members are encouraged to join the platform’s Telegram Group to vote on whether they support the above-tier system. The results will determine whether the platform proceeds with the existing Tier system or develops an alternate one.




To purchase $URGO tokens, begin by purchasing ADA tokens from a crypto exchange such as Coinbase and Binance. Send the ADA tokens to your Cardano wallets such as Yoroi, Daedalus, Adalite, or Nami. Proceed to the $URGO token sale page and buy $URGO tokens by sending ADA to the provided wallet address. Buyers are advised to send ADA only from the aforementioned Cardano wallets and not from exchange wallets. $URGO tokens will then be airdropped to the purchasing wallet address within 24 hours of initiating a purchase.

Notably, 1ADA token is equivalent to 526 $URGO tokens. The minimum buy amount is 200 ADA per purchase, while the maximum is 20,000 ADA per purchase. The GOmeta team has allocated a total of 200 million $URGO tokens to the seed sale.

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