between the stock market and Bitcoin.

Correlation between the stock market and Bitcoin.

SP500 is in stronger [correlation]( to Bitcoin price movement than previous cycles. Correlation is not causation, but what is causing this synch?

The longer you study Bitcoin, and get a deep understanding of not just Bitcoin, but the network, fiat currency, the history of money, inflation, and central banks, the more you will view Bitcoin as a risk off asset. Bitcoin is something you will find yourself running to in times of market turmoil. If you were trying to buy as much as possible with Bitcoin recently in the low $30k; you get it.

Institutional demand and investment has arrived. What has not arrived is the large funds/family funds understanding of Bitcoin. The majority of these “smart money” types view Bitcoin as a [risk off asset](

What will happen when the market moves in the opposite direction from correlation will expose the smart money’s misunderstanding and classification of Bitcoin, and their misallocations/hedges collapse will be eye watering. It is not a question of if, it is only a matter of time.


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