Merry Christmas to All Bitcoiners. For the Others, What Are You Waiting for To Take Power Over Your Life? | by Sylvain Saurel | Dec, 2021

Merry Christmas to All Bitcoiners. For the Others, What Are You Waiting for To Take Power Over Your Life? | by Sylvain Saurel | Dec, 2021

20 free one-month subscriptions to the In Bitcoin We Trust Newsletter premium offer inside this article.

Illustration by Sylvain Saurel

Dear fellow Bitcoiners,

On this very special day, let me wish you all a very Merry Christmas. I hope you can spend this day with your loved ones enjoying these rare and precious moments. Take advantage of this holiday season to rest and take your mind off things, because the year 2022 that awaits us in the world of Bitcoin is shaping up to be another exciting one.

Bitcoin adoption has accelerated significantly since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, with more and more people realizing the incredible benefits of the Bitcoin system over the current flawed, and not fixable, monetary and financial system.

Inflation has reached 6.8% in November 2021 in America, and this is expected to remain persistent for many months. One cannot print out of thin air trillions of dollars without disastrous consequences for the majority of the world’s inhabitants.

This is what is happening now with the ultra-rich whose wealth has increased by more than $4T since the beginning of the pandemic. Thus, the Cantillon Effect is at work. It is as if the trillions of dollars printed by the Fed and other major central banks have landed directly in the pockets of these ultra-rich.

Even if Tesla is a phenomenal company, the growth of its market cap since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic indicates a bubble that has formed in the stock market.

For the majority of people, the best solution to get out of the vicious circle of generalized impoverishment represented by the current system is written with 7 letters. This solution is called BITCOIN.

Bitcoin is a complete paradigm shift. A revolutionary monetary system that gives power back to the people by giving them total control over their lives. How? By giving them total control over the fruits of their labor. With Bitcoin, you’re protected from monetary inflation because its supply is limited to 21 million units no matter what, and you have no surprises in terms of monetary policy because it’s programmatic.

Everything is written in advance in the Bitcoin source code, and you are no longer dependent on arbitrary decisions taken by a minority of individuals as with the current system. You can plan your life without the fear that your purchasing power will inevitably fall because of decisions made by powerful people who are disconnected from the realities of the world you live in.

Despite all that Bitcoin offers to its users, only 130 million have opted for this revolution. That may seem like a lot, but out of 7.8 billion people on Earth, it’s still pretty small. The good thing is that if you buy Bitcoin today, you will be among the early adopters, those who will benefit the most in the future.

For those of you who are still hesitating about the Bitcoin system, I have just one question: what are you waiting for to take power over your life?

If you still have doubts about Bitcoin, feel free to use the comments to tell me more. I love to debate and try to understand each other’s reasons.

Finally, on this special day, I’ve decided to give away 20 free one-month subscriptions to the In Bitcoin We Trust Newsletter premium offer. For those who are interested, feel free to use the comments to tell me, I will switch your free subscription to premium.

This will be a way for you to access all the premium content that allows subscribers to better follow the Bitcoin revolution daily while finding my occasional technical analysis on the price of Bitcoin to get through this revolution in the most zen way possible.

Merry Christmas Bitcoiners!

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