Probing Binance US’ Ties with Two Affiliate Market Makers

SEC Probing Binance US’ Ties with Two Affiliate Market Makers

The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is investigating the ties of Binance US, the American affiliate of the similarly-named global crypto exchange, with two of its affiliate market makers, The Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday.

Sigma Chain AG and Merit Peak Ltd. are the companies in question that have traded cryptocurrencies on the US arm of Binance as market makers since 2019, shortly after the establishment of the exchange.

Market makers maintain

Liquidity is at the core of every broker’s offering. It is a basic characteristic of every financial asset – be it a currency, stock, bond, commodity or real estate. The more liquid an asset is, the easier it is to sell and buy on the open market. Foreign exchange is considered to be the most liquid asset class.Brokers can source liquidity from a single or multiple source, thereby delivering to their clients enough market depth for their orders to get filled. The main characteristic of liquidity is its depth, which will determine how quickly and how big of an order can be executed via the trading platform.Understanding LiquidityLiquidity can be internal or external depending on the size and the book of the broker. Companies which are large enough and have material client flows consistently are creating their own liquidity pools from the order flow of their clients, thereby internalizing flows and saving on costs to send customer orders to the interbank market. By doing that however they are exposing themselves to carry the risk on the trade.Liquidity providers can be prime brokers, prime of primes, other brokers or the broker’s book itself. Traditionally brokers are split between internalizing flows and offloading trades of their clients to different liquidity providers.Generally,
retail brokers and their clients prefer more liquid assets which lead to better fill rates and less slippage. When there is lack of liquidity on a certain market, slippage can occur – the order is executed at a price which is the closest available to the one requested by the client.

Liquidity is at the core of every broker’s offering. It is a basic characteristic of every financial asset – be it a currency, stock, bond, commodity or real estate. The more liquid an asset is, the easier it is to sell and buy on the open market. Foreign exchange is considered to be the most liquid asset class.Brokers can source liquidity from a single or multiple source, thereby delivering to their clients enough market depth for their orders to get filled. The main characteristic of liquidity is its depth, which will determine how quickly and how big of an order can be executed via the trading platform.Understanding LiquidityLiquidity can be internal or external depending on the size and the book of the broker. Companies which are large enough and have material client flows consistently are creating their own liquidity pools from the order flow of their clients, thereby internalizing flows and saving on costs to send customer orders to the interbank market. By doing that however they are exposing themselves to carry the risk on the trade.Liquidity providers can be prime brokers, prime of primes, other brokers or the broker’s book itself. Traditionally brokers are split between internalizing flows and offloading trades of their clients to different liquidity providers.Generally, retail brokers and their clients prefer more liquid assets which lead to better fill rates and less slippage. When there is lack of liquidity on a certain market, slippage can occur – the order is executed at a price which is the closest available to the one requested by the client.
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in the trading market by continuously buying and selling assets, making money from bid-ask spreads. Sometimes, they can have an unfair advantage over regular traders, especially in unregulated markets of cryptocurrencies.

Illicit Ties?

The SEC is primarily looking into the relations of Binance’s CEO Changpeng Zhao, who is the largest shareholder in Binance US, and the two market makers, Sigma Chain AG and Merit Peak Ltd. Corporate documents from 2019 show that Zhao controls both the market-making entities and that can create a conflict of interest.

Further, there are concerns that Binance US did not properly disclose its ties with the two
 market makers 
Market Makers

Market makers or called dealing desk brokers represent a type of broker that internalize flows and are taking the opposite side of a transaction submitted by their clients. The market making broker is only quoting a feed of prices to its clients. These feeds may or may not be the exact same as the prices quoted on the interbank market.Any order a client enters is processed internally and never goes out to the market, except in rare cases where a market making brokerage identifies a client as a very high risk and chooses to route the flow to another liquidity provider.Such brokers are typically providing very quick execution, however an inherent conflict of interest is possible due to the fact that the brokers is making the bulk of its profits from client losses.Role of Market Makers in FX IndustryIn the FX space, a market maker quotes two-way prices for tradable currency pairs. In doing so these market makers quite literally make the market. In particular, a forex market maker performs three specific tasks.This includes setting bid and offer prices within a given currency pair, committing to accepting deals at these prices within certain constraints, and taking the resulting exposure on to their own book.In terms of accounting for this exposure onto their book, market makers can opt to hedge the exposure with another bank, pending favorable rates. How quickly or slowly, or how much risk they lay off will be at their own discretion.Market makers can make profit through several techniques. If these entities identify enough flow at both sides of their quote, they can simply collect the bid offer spread.Consequently, market makers can net off their exposure. Presently, large banks see huge flows of foreign currency transactions from their operations around the world in a multi trillion-dollar-a-day industry.

Market makers or called dealing desk brokers represent a type of broker that internalize flows and are taking the opposite side of a transaction submitted by their clients. The market making broker is only quoting a feed of prices to its clients. These feeds may or may not be the exact same as the prices quoted on the interbank market.Any order a client enters is processed internally and never goes out to the market, except in rare cases where a market making brokerage identifies a client as a very high risk and chooses to route the flow to another liquidity provider.Such brokers are typically providing very quick execution, however an inherent conflict of interest is possible due to the fact that the brokers is making the bulk of its profits from client losses.Role of Market Makers in FX IndustryIn the FX space, a market maker quotes two-way prices for tradable currency pairs. In doing so these market makers quite literally make the market. In particular, a forex market maker performs three specific tasks.This includes setting bid and offer prices within a given currency pair, committing to accepting deals at these prices within certain constraints, and taking the resulting exposure on to their own book.In terms of accounting for this exposure onto their book, market makers can opt to hedge the exposure with another bank, pending favorable rates. How quickly or slowly, or how much risk they lay off will be at their own discretion.Market makers can make profit through several techniques. If these entities identify enough flow at both sides of their quote, they can simply collect the bid offer spread.Consequently, market makers can net off their exposure. Presently, large banks see huge flows of foreign currency transactions from their operations around the world in a multi trillion-dollar-a-day industry.
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to its customers. Indeed, the Binance US website does not name any of its market maker partners on its website. The regulator is now seeking information about the two market-making companies from Binance US for an enforcement probe.

However, Binance declined to furnish any details officially, saying that it is a privately held company and is not obliged to disclose details of its investors or corporate structure to the public. But, it is open to sharing information with regulators, according to a Binance spokesperson.

The SEC first subpoenaed the US arm of Binance in late 2020, seeking information about the stakeholders, business model and other disclosure-related information.

But, the lack of proper regulation of cryptocurrencies makes it harder to properly investigate crypto exchanges and their affiliates. To proceed with the probe, the SEC needs to first prove that some of the digital assets offered by Binance US fall under the category of securities and come under its jurisdiction.

The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is investigating the ties of Binance US, the American affiliate of the similarly-named global crypto exchange, with two of its affiliate market makers, The Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday.

Sigma Chain AG and Merit Peak Ltd. are the companies in question that have traded cryptocurrencies on the US arm of Binance as market makers since 2019, shortly after the establishment of the exchange.

Market makers maintain

Liquidity is at the core of every broker’s offering. It is a basic characteristic of every financial asset – be it a currency, stock, bond, commodity or real estate. The more liquid an asset is, the easier it is to sell and buy on the open market. Foreign exchange is considered to be the most liquid asset class.Brokers can source liquidity from a single or multiple source, thereby delivering to their clients enough market depth for their orders to get filled. The main characteristic of liquidity is its depth, which will determine how quickly and how big of an order can be executed via the trading platform.Understanding LiquidityLiquidity can be internal or external depending on the size and the book of the broker. Companies which are large enough and have material client flows consistently are creating their own liquidity pools from the order flow of their clients, thereby internalizing flows and saving on costs to send customer orders to the interbank market. By doing that however they are exposing themselves to carry the risk on the trade.Liquidity providers can be prime brokers, prime of primes, other brokers or the broker’s book itself. Traditionally brokers are split between internalizing flows and offloading trades of their clients to different liquidity providers.Generally,
retail brokers and their clients prefer more liquid assets which lead to better fill rates and less slippage. When there is lack of liquidity on a certain market, slippage can occur – the order is executed at a price which is the closest available to the one requested by the client.

Liquidity is at the core of every broker’s offering. It is a basic characteristic of every financial asset – be it a currency, stock, bond, commodity or real estate. The more liquid an asset is, the easier it is to sell and buy on the open market. Foreign exchange is considered to be the most liquid asset class.Brokers can source liquidity from a single or multiple source, thereby delivering to their clients enough market depth for their orders to get filled. The main characteristic of liquidity is its depth, which will determine how quickly and how big of an order can be executed via the trading platform.Understanding LiquidityLiquidity can be internal or external depending on the size and the book of the broker. Companies which are large enough and have material client flows consistently are creating their own liquidity pools from the order flow of their clients, thereby internalizing flows and saving on costs to send customer orders to the interbank market. By doing that however they are exposing themselves to carry the risk on the trade.Liquidity providers can be prime brokers, prime of primes, other brokers or the broker’s book itself. Traditionally brokers are split between internalizing flows and offloading trades of their clients to different liquidity providers.Generally, retail brokers and their clients prefer more liquid assets which lead to better fill rates and less slippage. When there is lack of liquidity on a certain market, slippage can occur – the order is executed at a price which is the closest available to the one requested by the client.
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in the trading market by continuously buying and selling assets, making money from bid-ask spreads. Sometimes, they can have an unfair advantage over regular traders, especially in unregulated markets of cryptocurrencies.

Illicit Ties?

The SEC is primarily looking into the relations of Binance’s CEO Changpeng Zhao, who is the largest shareholder in Binance US, and the two market makers, Sigma Chain AG and Merit Peak Ltd. Corporate documents from 2019 show that Zhao controls both the market-making entities and that can create a conflict of interest.

Further, there are concerns that Binance US did not properly disclose its ties with the two
 market makers 
Market Makers

Market makers or called dealing desk brokers represent a type of broker that internalize flows and are taking the opposite side of a transaction submitted by their clients. The market making broker is only quoting a feed of prices to its clients. These feeds may or may not be the exact same as the prices quoted on the interbank market.Any order a client enters is processed internally and never goes out to the market, except in rare cases where a market making brokerage identifies a client as a very high risk and chooses to route the flow to another liquidity provider.Such brokers are typically providing very quick execution, however an inherent conflict of interest is possible due to the fact that the brokers is making the bulk of its profits from client losses.Role of Market Makers in FX IndustryIn the FX space, a market maker quotes two-way prices for tradable currency pairs. In doing so these market makers quite literally make the market. In particular, a forex market maker performs three specific tasks.This includes setting bid and offer prices within a given currency pair, committing to accepting deals at these prices within certain constraints, and taking the resulting exposure on to their own book.In terms of accounting for this exposure onto their book, market makers can opt to hedge the exposure with another bank, pending favorable rates. How quickly or slowly, or how much risk they lay off will be at their own discretion.Market makers can make profit through several techniques. If these entities identify enough flow at both sides of their quote, they can simply collect the bid offer spread.Consequently, market makers can net off their exposure. Presently, large banks see huge flows of foreign currency transactions from their operations around the world in a multi trillion-dollar-a-day industry.

Market makers or called dealing desk brokers represent a type of broker that internalize flows and are taking the opposite side of a transaction submitted by their clients. The market making broker is only quoting a feed of prices to its clients. These feeds may or may not be the exact same as the prices quoted on the interbank market.Any order a client enters is processed internally and never goes out to the market, except in rare cases where a market making brokerage identifies a client as a very high risk and chooses to route the flow to another liquidity provider.Such brokers are typically providing very quick execution, however an inherent conflict of interest is possible due to the fact that the brokers is making the bulk of its profits from client losses.Role of Market Makers in FX IndustryIn the FX space, a market maker quotes two-way prices for tradable currency pairs. In doing so these market makers quite literally make the market. In particular, a forex market maker performs three specific tasks.This includes setting bid and offer prices within a given currency pair, committing to accepting deals at these prices within certain constraints, and taking the resulting exposure on to their own book.In terms of accounting for this exposure onto their book, market makers can opt to hedge the exposure with another bank, pending favorable rates. How quickly or slowly, or how much risk they lay off will be at their own discretion.Market makers can make profit through several techniques. If these entities identify enough flow at both sides of their quote, they can simply collect the bid offer spread.Consequently, market makers can net off their exposure. Presently, large banks see huge flows of foreign currency transactions from their operations around the world in a multi trillion-dollar-a-day industry.
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to its customers. Indeed, the Binance US website does not name any of its market maker partners on its website. The regulator is now seeking information about the two market-making companies from Binance US for an enforcement probe.

However, Binance declined to furnish any details officially, saying that it is a privately held company and is not obliged to disclose details of its investors or corporate structure to the public. But, it is open to sharing information with regulators, according to a Binance spokesperson.

The SEC first subpoenaed the US arm of Binance in late 2020, seeking information about the stakeholders, business model and other disclosure-related information.

But, the lack of proper regulation of cryptocurrencies makes it harder to properly investigate crypto exchanges and their affiliates. To proceed with the probe, the SEC needs to first prove that some of the digital assets offered by Binance US fall under the category of securities and come under its jurisdiction.

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