Is Metaverse? Beginner’s Guide

What Is Metaverse? Beginner’s Guide

The end of the past year and the beginning of this year has seen the world population throw their interest into the idea of the Metaverse. You probably answered to: what is Metaverse? For most people, Metaverse is a digital world where they can escape their current reality. As much as this may be true, the Metaverse platform is more than just a digital cocoon.

 There is potential in the Metaverse that most people are yet to grasp. This article provides an idea of what Metaverse is and what to expect when you join one. 

What Is Metaverse?

The Metaverse is a concept that is yet to be actualized. That’s why at the question: what is Metaverse, we don’t have a clear Metaverse definition. It consists of an online 3D universe made up of different, multiple virtual spaces similar to the internet that would make websites accessible through a single browser. This concept became known through the fictional mind of Neal Stephenson. 

Since the Metaverse is yet to be a reality, it can only be considered a fragment of the future. Even though this might take longer, we can still have a glimpse of what it could be from the video games that we play. Videogames are currently making headlines as they are pushing the boundaries of the game through the creation of virtual economies. 

The Metaverse is driven by augmented reality, with each user having an avatar where one will easily perform different activities such as managing their crypto portfolio or playing in their blockchain-based game. Now that you received the answer to what is Metaverse, let’s go forward. This article helps you understand how to enter the Metaverse and the impact that it will have on the world. 

How to Join the Metaverse

Several ways exist by which one can join the Metaverse community. The best way to step into the platform is through a Decentraland. The Decentraland is a virtual world platform that gives its users one straightforward way to gain access to the Metaverse through a website. 

To have complete access to the decentralized Metaverse, users will have to download the Metatask extension on their browser, where they will be able to navigate the Metaverse once they are connected. Gaining access to the Metaverse will allow each person to create and monetize different forms of developments in the digital world. 

What Is Metaverse and How Metaverse Will Change the World?

Owning Possessions

The Metaverse platform will change the world in several ways. First, those in the Metaverse will have the opportunity to own unique possessions. Since the Metaverse is based on blockchain technology, one will be able to purchase and own possessions as well as trade them with others in the Metaverse community. Your digital possessions in the Metaverse cannot be stolen, as everything will be bought and sold in crypto. 

Augmented Reality

The Metaverse platform is also expected to integrate augmented reality. In this case, through AR lenses, one will be able to access their version of the Metaverse against the backdrop of the real world. Even though this is a highly instrumental idea, advanced stages of the Metaverse will give users the ability to do this. 


Cryptocurrency is the backbone of the Metaverse platform, and therefore, transactions will easily be conducted from one avatar to another that could be in turn, be converted into real money in the real world. To add to this, e-commerce will be able to thrive in the Metaverse, as the purchase and sale of digital assets will be made possible. Before investing in crypto, is better to check the coin’s price prediction.

Best Metaverse Stock Available Now

After you wondered what is Metaverse, now you probably wonder which are the best Metaverse Stocks available. Here they are:


Nvidia Corp is a company known worldwide for its graphics and video processing chips, which are in turn used in supercomputers, AI machines, and VR applications. The anticipated Metaverse will likely need an intense amount of processing power, a crucial role that is well played by Nvidia. 

Nvidia also makes use of CES as a means of announcing its free Omniverse Software that provides the base upon which Metaverse could exist. The capabilities of the company can be seen from its revenue, which in 2021 was $7.1 billion, a whole 50% compared to its previous year. Its operating income stood at $2.7 billion while trading over 20% off its 52 weeks high. 

Since Nvidia is playing a crucial role in the success of the Metaverse, the company is getting a lot of attention from investors, and this has contributed to its stock trading at a forward P/S ratio of 26 and a non-GAAP forward P/E of 65.


Apple (AAPL), which is already known for its technological prowess, is looking forward to the Metaverse to add to its existing legacy. It has been rumored that the company intends to launch its AR/VR headset sometime this year with a more advanced upgrade following this initial technology in the year 2024. 

Apple Inc. can be considered a company that holds potential since it already has a significant customer base comprising of at least a billion iPhone users. Apple’s valuation is currently projected at over3 trillion based on the additional revenue stream that is being anticipated. 

In the past fiscal year, Apple’s revenue rose to 33%, which is an outstanding $365.8 billion, whereas its operating income rose to $108 billion, which is 64%. Diluted EPS, on the other hand, increased by 71% to $5.61. The reason for this increase is that Apple Inc. has a buyback program that saw $85 billion in stock being bought back in the past fiscal year. 

This program is a big advantage for Apple as it can shrink its outstanding shares, which in turn increases the EPS faster. The current forward P/E ratio for Apple is a little higher since there is so much investor expectation looming this year with their new Metaverse product launch. 


What is Metaverse for Microsoft? Microsoft (MSFT) can be termed as the early kings when it comes to the Metaverse. Microsoft intends to make use of the Metaverse platform directly in the business world. Microsoft has all the intention of integrating the Internet of Things (IoT) to grow its market dominance. 

In January this year, the company announced that it is in the process of acquiring Activision Blizzard Inc., which is an aggressive video giant for an impressive $68.7 billion. If the acquisition deal is finalized, Microsoft will have access to at least 400 million active monthly gamers who are ready to invest their time and money in the digital world. 

Looking at the past fiscal year, Microsoft has increased its revenue by 18%, which amassed $168 billion. Its operating income, on the other hand, increased by 32%, amounting to an incredible $70 billion. This company has a forward P/E of 33, and just like Apple Inc., it buys stock back that they use to support shareholders in the market, lowering their share count. 

With its already added advantage, the Metaverse opportunity only adds to the rewards that long-term investors will reap in the coming years. 

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What Is Metaverse – Conclusion

There already are several forms of Metaverse being developed, with others coming into existence. However, we are yet to achieve a perfect digital world where we can fulfill all the components expected in the Metaverse. Your experience in Metaverse will be great if you use one of the best 10 VPNs, for a private and secure session.

Even though a single Metaverse is still a long way to reality, it is an opportunity to prepare ourselves for the coming digital world. In the meantime, we can monitor Metaverse projects to be abreast with future happenings. We hope that our answer to the question: what is Metaverse helped you.

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