NFT Space : Introducing Our Newest Master Product

Seedify NFT Space : Introducing Our Newest Master Product

This post was originally published on seedify

Hello Seedify Community!

We are thrilled to introduce you to our new innovative NFT marketplace Seedify NFT Space. Please join us to learn about Seedify NFT Space’s positioning according to the market, the benefits it offers to its users, and more.

NFTs have attracted significant attention in mainstream society, over the past year, with non-crypto artists, buyers and even celebrities creating collections and spending large sums of money on digital art pieces.

While undeniably valuable as art, the integration of NFTs in gaming and metaverses offers a much broader spectrum of applications and use-cases for the technology.

The ability to prove ownership of intangible assets has opened doors that will transform how we exist as a species. As humans, we are on the verge of entering an exciting new era, where we’ll have the ability to extend our existence into virtual worlds via digital NFT assets, including clothes, houses, cars, pets, etc. We’ll be able to interact in environments where our real lives and virtual lives intersect, and the boundaries of space and time constraints don’t control or limit our ability to create exciting new stories and experiences.

Seedify NFT Space: What innovations and advantages does it promise?

Seedify NFT Space will feature an innovative gaming-and-metaverse-centric asset marketplace. The platform will cater solely to those assets and their ever-increasing interconnected use-cases, multiverse integrations and countless exciting applications that haven’t even been dreamed of or conceived yet.

Seedify NFT Space will address the shortcomings of current NFT marketplaces and their inability to adequately accommodate utility-based metaverse and in-game assets collections. Platform features will include lower fees and a user-friendly interface with intuitive, space-specific asset research tools.

More than an NFT Marketplace

Along with the marketplace, Seedify NFT Space will feature additional functions to connect gamers and collectors with creators and project owners while adding new use-cases to our native SFUND token.

A Kickstarter-like crowdfunding mechanism will allow users to pre-purchase or fund collections, to get pre-mint spots. This function will present mutually beneficial opportunities to creators, gamers and collectors, introducing additional options to support and launch new NFT asset collections.

The platform will include an auto-launch function, giving creators and projects access to a network of launchpads. Seedify’s IGO, INO, and IMO Launchpads will initially be available, along with marketing support, advisory and industry partners.

Every transaction a user makes on the Seedify NFT Space marketplace will give them an opportunity to win an NFT prize, awarded through an RNG mechanism. Some rewards will be more valuable than others, with larger transactions having greater chances to receive rarer NFT drops. 25% of the marketplace fees will be used to fund the RNG NFT prize pool

$SNFTS: New Token and Airdrop

Seedify NFT Space will bring additional utility to SFUND, with our native token being used to crowdfund creators and collections, along with new opportunities on Seedify’s IGO, INO and IMO Launchpads.

It should be noted that SNFTS tokens will not be available for sale. Instead, the tokens will be airdropped to SFUND token holders on a 20 to 1 basis ($SNFTS to SFUND) per snapshot. Strategic snapshots taken over the course of five weeks will determine the number of tokens each holder will receive. $SFUND holders who participate in every snapshot will receive up to 100 $SNFTS per staked/farmed $SFUND.

SFUND provides owners with advantages such as the right to participate in initial game offerings, while SNFTS features its own benefits in Seedify NFT Space:

  • Fee discounts — SNFTS users will be able to access 1% marketplace fees versus 2% when using other tokens.
  • Better random-number-generator (RNG) rates for NFT drop chances — SNFTS is important for special NFT drops. The amount of SNFTS in a wallet is one of the two key data points that will increase chances during the RNG process. More SNFTS means more opportunities for higher-value NFT rewards. The other key data point is the value of the NFT item being purchased: Larger transactions increase RNG reward value.
  • Creating extra treasuries for collaborations, marketing, NFT drops, and expansions.

The snapshots and SNFTS token airdrops for OpenSea users and NFT-holding wallets from certain blue-chip collections will facilitate a widespread and diverse launch of Seedify NFT Space while providing various advantages to its users.

You can learn all the details about Seedify NFT Space here:

Seedify is a blockchain gaming-focused incubator and launchpad ecosystem, empowering innovators and project developers through access to funding, community and partnership building, and a full support system to help drive the future of gaming and blockchain.

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