Vampire Syndicate Release 2nd Collection: Welcome to the Vampiresses

Sneaky Vampire Syndicate Release 2nd Collection: Welcome to the Vampiresses

Sneaky Vampire Syndicate (SVS), a hugely successful NFT project by former Bored Ape Yacht Club artist Mig, have just announced the release of its 2nd NFT collection: Sneaky Vampiress NFTs.

Inclusivity and Recognition for Female Artists and Collectors

The new collection of 12,345 female vampires aims to promote female inclusion and representation in the NFT space. Female artists are often under-recognized in NFTs. SVS is striving to give women that deserved recognition.

The 12,345 vampiresses will join their 8,888 male counterparts from SVS’s excellent first ‘Generation 1’ collection in a place all vampires call home – ‘The Lair’ (A sunlight and vampire hunter-free place deep in the metaverse).

The first collection was a massive success. Mig along with Superand, a highly experienced team of crypto leaders and developers launched their 8,888 vampires in September 2021. So far, it has generated over 21,600 ETH in trading volume on Opensea!

SVS pride themselves on being safe and beginner-friendly meaning new and experienced collectors can get the most out of the project. SVS hopes to welcome many new collectors into their diverse and inclusive community and the NFT art world.

On top of all that, SVS is working with 8 female artists to create 8 one-of-a-kind Sneaky Vampiress NFTs sure to be a big highlight in the collection.

Thomas Kekker, the Project Lead at SVS, said of the new collection:

The Genesis SVS NFTs were a huge success, and we’ve not let our foot off the gas. From the very beginning, we built this around nurturing our community and creating the best possible environment. We believe the release of the Vampiresses will continue the growth of our ecosystem in the right direction.”

Blood is in the Air

SVS have more plans for this project and the addition of Sneaky Vampiress NFTs is part of the groundwork for the ‘Blood Pact’ – another part of SVS’s roadmap. Holders of both Vampire and Vampiress NFTs can expect to utilize the ‘Blood Pact’ to breed NFTs in the near future.

At the centre of the ‘Blood Pact’ breeding mechanism is the $BLOOD token. SVS holders are able to earn $BLOOD tokens on a daily basis when they stake their NFTs.

Buying and Minting your Sneaky Vampiress NFTs

White list spots filled up fast but the public sale has started! Excited community members are already sharing their mystery Vampiress Syndicate NFTs on Twitter. A ‘mystery’ because a big reveal on February 28th is when hyped buyers finally get to see what female vampire they have minted.

Out of the 12,345 Sneaky Vampiresses, 8,888 pre-sale spots were allocated to existing Sneaky Vampire holders. The remaining spots are allocated to large, female led communities as well as the public sale.

As far as pricing goes, SVS have implemented a tiered pricing system and the $BLOOD utility token can be used to claim up to 50% off the Sneaky Vampiress NFTs.

The base price is set at 0.16 ETH. Those who use 100 $BLOOD tokens will enjoy a reduced base price of 0.12 ETH. Finally, if you have 200 $BLOOD tokens, the price starts at just 0.08 ETH.

SVS is a project built on a vision of innovation, community building as well as fairness and transparency.

Its Generation 1 collection of 8,888 male vampires was a massive success and the Generation 2 collection, the Sneaky Vampiress NFTs, promises to be even better – definitely something to sink your teeth into.

Check out their website, Twitter, Instagram for yourself and enjoy your time in ‘The Lair’.

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