will pay 10$ each, who can test our crypto service for paying invoices and give honest feedback

I will pay 10$ each, who can test our crypto service for paying invoices and give honest feedback



Hello,we have built a []( – service, which allows users to pay their bills with crypto.

it’s MVP. But it works – you can already pay your bills in Europe.We have already collected some feedback from peers and small crypto communities.

We are looking for 50 people, who can:

1. check the website and give honest reviews, what they like and what don’t
2. make a test payment, even 5-10 EUR for the mobile/internet bill

You will get from us:

1. 10$ in BTC
2. refund of transaction fee
3. refund of 3% commission

If you have any concerns, questions – please post is here

even shitty comment counts like “your service sucks, because…”

Thank you in advance
All the best

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