you were to make a 1 BTC physical coin today out of solid gold equal to its face value, it would weigh 27 ounces and be bigger than your hand. If you made such a coin in 2017, it would have weighed just 1 ounce, and you’d feeling pretty dumb because today it’d be worth just 0.036 BTC.

If you were to make a 1 BTC physical coin today out of solid gold equal to its face value, it would weigh 27 ounces and be bigger than your hand. If you made such a coin in 2017, it would have weighed just 1 ounce, and you’d feeling pretty dumb because today it’d be worth just 0.036 BTC.

If you were to make a 1 BTC physical coin today out of solid gold equal to its face value, it would weigh 27 ounces and be bigger than your hand. If you made such a coin in 2017, it would have weighed just 1 ounce, and you’d feeling pretty dumb because today it’d be worth just 0.036 BTC.

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