The Terrible Reality of Bitcoin Today | by Sylvain Saurel | Mar, 2022

The Terrible Reality of Bitcoin Today | by Sylvain Saurel | Mar, 2022

If you are reading this, I think you are already on the right side.

I’ve been writing about Bitcoin daily for over five years, and while awareness of Bitcoin continues to grow among the general public, there is still something that shocks me greatly about it today. It’s a terrible reality that Bitcoin is facing today. It’s a problem in our society in general, but here I’m particularly interested in its application to Bitcoin.

With Bitcoin, you are facing an incredible monetary revolution that is capable of changing the world of the future for the better. Just think about it. For the first time in your life, you have encrypted, P2P hard money that is not tied to any central bank.

Bitcoin offers you an alternative to the current monetary and financial system that is flawed, and not fixable. It is something essential to give us hope for a better future world for the many.

Many people still fail to realize the positive impacts that Bitcoin will have on the world of the future if its revolution triumphs. To understand the full potential of Bitcoin, you have only one attitude to adopt: that of the student who always wants to know more. You should always seek to learn more about Bitcoin, but also about the current monetary and financial system.

If Bitcoin is the solution to the problems of this system, you will not be able to take full advantage of it if you do not understand the problems it addresses.

Unfortunately, too many people still only see Bitcoin as a financial investment. This image perfectly illustrates the terrible reality of Bitcoin today:

The terrible reality with Bitcoin today — Illustration by Sylvain Saurel

Write an article about why Bitcoin is a good thing, or how it works, and you’ll have more than modest success. Write an article about the price of Bitcoin, and you are guaranteed to have a very large success.

The reason I am writing this is that I think you are one of those people who are way ahead of the rest, and who understand the importance of going beyond Bitcoin as a simple financial investment. This is evidenced by the readership statistics of my technical articles on Bitcoin. I also appreciate seeing your comments or messages asking me for clarification on technical topics related to Bitcoin.

It shows me that you understand that Bitcoin requires understanding things to the fullest. It is the knowledge that will give you the power to take complete control of your future regarding money. That’s why I write about Bitcoin every day: I want to help as many people as possible discover the why of Bitcoin so that they can then decide how to position themselves regarding this monetary revolution with full knowledge.

The problem I’m talking about here is therefore primarily a matter for the general public.

While it is important to focus on the price of Bitcoin, and that is why I write about the price of Bitcoin in the short term as well, you have to make an effort to go beyond that. When talking to people about Bitcoin, you need to emphasize that buying Bitcoin is only the first step. Accessing the liberating power of Bitcoin requires understanding the problems it solves.

I’m counting on you to pass on this message so that more and more people will come out of the ignorance about money that the current educational system has deliberately put us into. As such, please feel free to share this newsletter with as many people as possible.

This is how the Bitcoin revolution will continue to move in the right direction: with more and more people becoming aware every day of the need for a Great Reset. Bitcoin embodies that Great Reset.

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