A Crypto Future Is Coming for Investment Advisers https://ift.tt/3F7LyhN

A Crypto Future Is Coming for Investment Advisers


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Last week, “On Purpose” host Tyrone Ross envisioned the future integration of crypto with the registered investment adviser (RIA) industry. Ross touched on an on-chain financial future where clients’ financial plans, estate plans and assets will all be on-chain and even navigated and altered from their phones.

This time, Ross goes deeper into the operational ways the RIA of the future may work and interact with clients. Everything from account generation to billing, from funding to transfers and more will change in the future as crypto technology permeates the financial world.

“This is a world that is coming. And it is coming fast. And, man oh man, am I excited by it,” says Ross. There is no better time than now to start preparing for this new era of RIA.

This episode has been produced, announced and edited by Michele Musso with additional production support from Eleanor Pahl. Our theme song is Walk with Swag.

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