[Announcement] Check NEER Reward, Kaosland Metaverse & Additional Rewards https://ift.tt/3suRI8b

[Announcement] Check NEER Reward, Kaosland Metaverse & Additional Rewards


We are metaverse believers; believers that the metaverse will make the world a better place with new supply and demand with minimal environmental impact. A new way to bring value to many without limitations around borders, background, or beliefs.

There will be new successful entrepreneurs for those with the right vision and dedication and countless opportunities for a modest income for many others. We are so fortunate to have met people who share the same vision at this early stage of our journey.

Through your 💝 support, the team has the power to grow and push development faster. Working toward achieving the vision started back in 2018 when Bit.Country’s idea was born in one of the hotels of Little Saigon, San Franciso.

Pioneer Crowdloan Reward Website is Live

You can now check your primary NEER reward as well as your referral reward on this website now.


26,000 Land Development Projects by Pioneers

We believe that sustainable value is created through the deliberate effort of development.

This is an important part of our culture that we want to instill while bringing Web3 to wider adoption.

Today, we’d like to honor these early builders with a land distribution plan that aims to bootstrap the network. We welcome pioneers to join us in this step 1 of many and create a multi-metaverse paradigm on the Pioneer platform.

The additional land gift is designed for those who are willing to build and want to have a presence or launch a metaverse experience for their people and community.

Expect Kaos!

The treasury will launch two metaverses on the Pioneer map (a more relaxed version of the Continuum map on Polkadot).

Pioneer Map

We have a queue of strategic partners launching their metaverse onto the Pioneer map, to be one of your surrounding (good) neighbors. Their communities can travel through the boundaries of their metaverse to the adjacent ones.

Genesis Metaverse

The coordinate of the Genesis metaverse on the Pioneer map is P(0, 0), the origin.

This is the treasury-owned metaverse, our metaverse boss’ team will be responsible for developing it from day one.

Our current plan is to build an abstraction of landmarks from different cultures and a number of civilization milestones from human history.

There will also be facilities such as Thunder.University centers, event centers, clubs, and the first lot of selected user-created experiences.

We will invite strategic partners and outstanding pioneers to join us to co-record the future of human civilization advancement on the metaverse machines.

Kaosland Metaverse

Together we are one team and create chaos side by side. Its coordinate on the Pioneer map is P(1, 0), the very first coordinate next to the origin.


Kaoslanders are expecting chaos on Kusama, they are risk-takers and visionaries. The citizens are literally taking the responsibility to pioneer the rest of the network and lead by example.

Kaosland metaverse will be the very first community-owned, partially treasury owned metaverse (and supported by the treasury), with an initial ~26,000 stakeholders, and taking up ~30% of the total land block supply on Pioneer. Very likely, it will be the largest metaverse on the Bit.Country Pioneer Network.

Prospect: KAOS Social Token

Once social tokens are enabled, the KAOS token is likely to be minted and distributed to qualified stakeholders in Kaosland. Thus, these stakeholders will become KAOS members to co-govern and develop its future.

Please note that social tokens will not be enabled any time soon on the Pioneer network. We will observe the development of Kaosland, and user growth & their engagement. However, Kaosland is likely to be the first metaverse on the Bit.Country & Metaverse.Network ecosystem to enable a social token. The time will be when the majority of us see an economic demand for its utility.

Being an ambitious pioneering metaverse, Kaosland has the potential to be one of the most significant metaverses on the market.

💪Effort will determine its future.

Kaosland Community Twitter

Additional Reward — Land Distribution Details

Land means capacity and presence in the metaverse. It consumes computational & storage resources and thus comes with an economic cost, risks and opportunity cost relative to their size on the network.

From our public survey, our land is in high demand. View Survey Results

We believe a sustainable economy is to deliver value as a result of effort, an overheated market could create unnecessary hype and a bubble that isn’t aligned with our long-term goal.

With this in mind, on top of the 72 NEER tokens for each KSM contributed, we decided to give an additional reward without any cost to 🎉early supporters. The opportunity for supporters to develop and build up the initial presence in the metaverse together.

Our real metaverse boss’ team and the treasury will also support part of the development. For instance, town planning, some infrastructure, and land unit reserves for future growth. Please follow our real metaverse boss for more frequent updates.

Here is an overview of the plan.

Land Units are distributed using the following mostly linear formula related to KSM contribution. Regardless of the platform you used,

You can check your NEER and Land Reware Here


For KSM >= 1.0

KSM = your KSM contribution to the Pioneer Crowdloan

x = (0.11 — KSM) / 10280.89

y = x * 996 + 4

LandUnits = Round( MinMax(4, 1000, y) )

For KSM >= 0.11 and KSM < 1.0

LandUnits = 2

For KSM < 0.11

LandUnits = 0

Some Examples:

  • For 0.1 KSM, you will receive 0 land units in Kaosland
  • For 0.5 KSM, you will receive 2 land units in Kaosland
  • For 1 KSM, you will receive 4 land units in Kaosland
  • For 250 KSM, you will receive 28 land units in Kaosland
  • For 5000 KSM, you will receive 488 land units in Kaosland
  • For 10281 KSM, you will receive 1000 (max) land units in Kaosland

Some terminologies:

  • A Land Unit is the smallest unit of a Land Block. A Land Unit is 10m x 10m.
  • Land Level is determined by land development and community engagement. Fundamentally, the higher the level, the more effort that was required. More details about the Land Level measurements will be released when the application is live.
  • Avatar Level is determined by a user’s platform engagement and commitment. It is a measure of how dedicated the user is to the Bit.Country & Metaverse.Network platform. More details about the Avatar Level system will be released when the application is live.
  • Land Gift Expiry — 1) Land Units need to be claimed within 3 months of the initial launch or they will be reclaimed by the treasury. 2) Land Units claimed without any activity within 6 months after the first day of launch, will be reclaimed by the treasury.

🎁Special Land Blocks Pool

The treasury will sponsor an initial 1,000 land blocks (10% of Total Land Supply) for Kaosland landowners to claim once they meet the following criteria:

1. User’s avatar reaches level 10

2. And user has at least one land unit in Kaosland that reaches level 10

The land block is used to launch their own individual metaverse with their own map, governance, and world.

🎁Special NFT for Metaverse Odyssey Event Contributor

A BIT Mining Booster NFT can be claimed if you participated in this event. This NFT will boost your mining power by 15% for 14 days from when you consume it. This will be available on the platform, more details to be released later.

* if you qualify to receive both BIT Mining Booster NFTs, they don’t stack. You should use them one by one. E.g. after the first one’s duration has expired, then use the second one.

🎁Special NFT for Pioneer Crowdloan’s First 2,000 Contributors

A BIT Mining Booster NFT can be claimed if you participated in this event. This NFT will boost your mining power by 15% over 14 days from when you consume it. This will be available on the platform and claimable, more details to be released later.

* if you qualify to receive both BIT Mining Booster NFTs, they don’t stack. You should use them one by one. E.g. after the first one’s duration has expired, then use the second one.

🎁Special Land for Metaverse Evangelists🏆

Bit.Country metaverse evangelists will receive an additional 4 land units as recognition of their effort helping out the community and creating a great vibe in Discord and Telegram.

🎁Special NFT Giveaway from Our Metaverse Building Partner MetaDojo

MetaDojo offers ready-built and affordable metaverse premises that can be seamlessly deployed to any land on the Bit.Country & Metaverse.Network platform. To celebrate this well-deserved land distribution and honor early community supporters, they are launching a special NFT airdrop event that is exclusive to Bit.Country whitelisted members.

Groundbreaking Badge NFT by MetaDojo.io

Go here to find out more on how to participate and claim their very first ‘Groundbreaking Badge’ which grants you early access to their Dojos and token sale planned for Q1 2022.

FAQ — Frequently Asked Questions

How will we determine the location of land units in Kaosland

We will allocate the land units starting from the Kaosland center out to more rural areas. The priority will be based on total KSM contribution in descending order, and then in time ascending order.

Can land unit owners regroup land units in Kaosland?

Yes, you re-group them into estates with the minimum required land units. The minimum requirement for an estate in Kaosland will be announced in the future.

Can land units be transferred to someone else or sold on the marketplace?

Initially no, however, we will consider enabling transfer or marketplace listing at the right time in the future.

Can I buy a Land Block for my own metaverse?

Yes, for people who want to launch their own metaverse, and don’t want to wait, there will be an on-platform land block auction using NEER. We will make land block auctions live at the right time after the launch.

Strategic land partners with a metaverse strategy and dedicated team may be able to launch a metaverse as soon as we go live.

What is the initial supply of land blocks & distribution strategy?

Bit.Country Pioneer will have an initial supply of only 10,000 land blocks, that equates to 10% of the total land supply of Bit.Country Continuum on Polkadot.

The future land supply of Pioneer will be solely determined by NEER holders through a proposal and public referenda. It is really a matter of if the community wants to bring more NEER users and metaverse builders when the 10,000 is fully diluted.

  • Genesis will take approximately 10% of the total supply.
  • Kaosland will take approximately 30% of the total supply.

The remaining ~60% will be distributed to strategic metaverse builders and through on-platform land block auctions using NEER.

Land Block vs Land Unit

One land block consists of 100 land units. Land units can be grouped into Estates.

A deployed land block within a metaverse is permanent. Land blocks by nature are not transferable, however, land unit ownership can be transferred to a different owner once transferring is enabled.

How to earn BIT, what is its Utility?

BIT is earned through land (any type) staking, and collator node staking. BIT can be also earned through various tasks on the platform.

BIT is a key consumable asset used across the metaverses. BIT is used as a base material for land development, and also as an energy source required for upgrading and maintaining an entity.

More details will be provided within training documentation and training videos before we do the alpha 1.0 launch.

Is BIT Transferrable or Tradeable on Day One?

We may enable transfer earlier, however, we want to encourage the community to use BIT to develop first. After the BIT economic observation period, we will enable the swap of BIT to other assets either on platform or through 3rd party DEX (to be decided).

What are the best practices for land development?

With the given land units, you would be able to learn how the metaverse operates at a relatively smaller scale, with that experience, you will be able to launch a successful metaverse of your own.

Your goal is to create community engagement. This’ll bring value to yourself and the community as a whole.

Develop your vision with respect to your community, your skills and values. Apply your vision to your land, you don’t necessarily want to be the same as everyone else.

You can imagine this a bit like starting your own business. You should do market research and don’t be afraid to experiment with potential ideas to validate your market fit.

Create a plan/design for how to wish to develop your land to effectively achieve your vision with respect to the BIT and time requirements. If you change your mind, the BIT can be partly recovered from your buildings when removing them, but not all BIT will be returned. Further details will be provided in the documentation before launch.

How to Build

Developing your land unit can take quite a bit of time and effort, also there’s the BIT cost to factor into it as well. Unless you decide to use existing or custom solution providers, where there’s more cost but less time and effort involved.

You can build on your land through a combination of the below methods:

  1. Using the voxel system, if you are familiar with other voxel-based games, you’ll be right at home building out your land. View Demo Video
  2. Using the asset system, you’ll be able to place your NFTs and non-NFT assets onto your land. These will be closer to traditional 3D models that can be rotated and scaled to your desired orientation and size. View Demo Video
  3. Using the tool system, there are a number of tools available to place rich media and other resources onto your land or associate with placed assets. Examples include, placing text, sounds, videos, images, and hyperlinks.

For 3D assets or NFTs, you are able to create and mint your own by providing the necessary files which can be made using common 3D modeling or image creation tools. More details will be released closer to launch in our documentation.

You can also purchase assets/NFTs made by others on the marketplace. Items purchased on our marketplaces are guaranteed to work well on the platform.

If you don’t have the time to develop or place assets on your land, you can consider finding a service provider who can develop your land at a cost. Like with any provider, you should do your research before committing to using their services.

What is the Timeline?

  • TGE (Token Generation Event) will be in Jan or Feb 2022. Security and accuracy is a higher priority than time.
  • Public listing NEER, we will decide a time according to user activity and market dynamics after the TGE.
  • Bit.Country Alpha 1.0 Release
  • Given the development of the initial two metaverses, corresponding metaverse and land distribution, we aim to start onboarding the first lot of users in Q1/Q2 2022.
  • We are busy hiring new members to beef up the development process. However, it takes time to select elite members that appreciate our culture.
  • We will continue to share progress on Twitter and in the monthly Medium development updates.

For more up-to-date information about the roadmap and blockchain development updates, please follow and view Justin (metaverse lawmaker)’s tweet.

How does the Avatar Level work?

Avatar Level is determined by a user’s platform engagement and commitment. It is a measure of how dedicated the user is to the Bit.Country & Metaverse.Network ecosystem.

Some leveling up opportunities may involve Learn2Earn and Grow2Earn tasks on the Thunder.University platform.

More details about the Avatar Level system will be released when the application is live.

How does the Land Level work?

Land Level is determined by land development and community engagement.

Fundamentally, the higher the level, the more effort that was required.

More details about the Land Level measurements will be released when the application is live.

Pioneer on Kusama vs Continuum on Polkadot

Nominated metaverses will be awarded a space-warp pass NFT to migrate to the Continuum. Making room for new metaverses on Pioneer and creating new opportunities for growth.

This migration is optional, however, it is economically incentivized with the potential of much more exposure.

When is the Polkadot Crowdloan?

When we are ready.

If NEER is doing good, NUUM is expected to do similar. If a gem is not unearthed, it is still a gem. Join the NEER force and add value to the future of NUUM.

Our priority is the development of Pioneer and its economy to a point we are comfortable with. Once it has been better established, and closer to self-governing, the team will shift their focus onto Polkadot. There will be new experiences, fine-tuned economics and exciting features made available only to Continuum on Polkadot.

Have a great holiday ahead. Thank you!

Thanks, Core Team.


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