Bitcoin Gives You Abundant Access to the Only Two Riches That Matter in Life: Time and Freedom. | by Sylvain Saurel | Dec, 2021—-Bitcoin-Experiences-Sharp-Drop-Amid-Macroeconomic.png

Bitcoin Gives You Abundant Access to the Only Two Riches That Matter in Life: Time and Freedom. | by Sylvain Saurel | Dec, 2021

Everything else is useless without these two riches.

Illustration by Sylvain Saurel

Having a lot of U.S. dollars in your bank account will give you the illusion that you are rich. This is the same problem with any fiat currency.

However, with your U.S. dollars, you will not have access in abundance to the real wealth of life. You will not be able to live your life on your own terms. Because of the endless inflation of the U.S. dollar, you will have no choice but to spend more and more money.

If you want to keep your fiat money, its value will melt over time due to the inflation engineered by governments for their benefit.

The economist and philosopher Friedrich Hayek had already identified the problem in the mid-1970s when he said:

“I do not think it is an exaggeration to say history is largely a history of inflation, usually inflations engineered by governments for the gain of governments.”

We have had the demonstration of this phenomenon in an amplified way since Mars 2020. It has a name: the Cantillon effect. In the current system, you are forced to act according to the wishes of the Fed. It is the Fed that gives you the strategy to follow. If you choose to fight the Fed in the current system, you will keep losing purchasing power.

The U.S. dollar you own does not belong to you since you cannot use it as you wish.

You are forced to spend it, and even worse, within the framework set by governments and banks. The latter may prohibit you from making certain transactions for totally arbitrary reasons. They may also confiscate what you own for equally obscure reasons.

There are far too many opportunities for censorship in the current monetary and financial system.

Much more than just fiat money in abundance in your bank account, you must seek to obtain in abundance the two following riches: time and freedom.

Time is the scarcest and most precious thing in the world. Having time is the most important thing in life. If you couple that time with the freedom to spend it as you wish, you will have immediate access to what matters in life. Having all the time you want to live your life on your own terms is priceless.

Bitcoin’s unique monetary system allows you to save the fruits of your labor while being guaranteed that no one can censor you. So you’ll solve two fundamental problems with Bitcoin. You have complete freedom to live your life on your own terms thanks to Bitcoin and its unique properties.

Bitcoin is a true revolution that is accessible to everyone on Earth. This is even more revolutionary because all you need is a smartphone and an Internet connection to buy Bitcoin. By buying Bitcoin, you are voting for a better system.

If you choose to buy Bitcoin, you are voting to take control of your life by giving you the chance to have abundant access to the two essential riches of life: time and freedom.

While Bitcoiners have understood this for some time, a majority of the general public has not yet realized this. We are only at the beginning of the Bitcoin revolution. By opening your eyes before others, you can be among those who will benefit the most from this revolution.

It is up to you to make the effort to put aside the illusion of the wealth that the U.S. dollar can provide and discover what real wealth lies elsewhere, and that Bitcoin is your best chance to access it.

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