El Salvador Just Bought 21 BTC On The 21st Day Of Last Month Of The 21st Year And 21st Century | CryptoGazette https://ift.tt/3sbwc8h

El Salvador Just Bought 21 BTC On The 21st Day Of Last Month Of The 21st Year And 21st Century | CryptoGazette


El Salvador manages to make another historic move. Check out the tweet that the country’s president shared on his social media account and the important meaning that this has.

El Salvador bought another 21 BTC to mark the 21st day of the last month of the 21st year of the 21st century, President Nayib Bukele said in a series of tweets on Tuesday night as revealed by CoinDesk.

Bukele said he made the purchase at 21:21:21, and pointed out that El Salvador’s land area is 21,000 square kilometers.

The president posted a screenshot of the transactions, which were totaling just over $1 million, saying “got the receipt.”

Someone commented: “Price is being updated at real market price every second. There’s no reason to keep the 3 minutes cooldown [email protected], what are you waiting for to remove it? Or don’t you want people to start earning from your app? Is a governmental company after all.”

CoinDesk also noted that before the purchase, El Salvador held 1,120 BTC in its treasury, Reuters reported on Oct. 27, which would bring its total now to 1,141 BTC.

“It plans to buy another $500 million worth of the world’s biggest cryptocurrency by market value, funded by the issuance of $1 billion worth of tokenized bonds.”

Jack Dorsey addressed Bitcoin’s future

Earlier today, we revealed that Jack Dorsey made some pretty exciting affirmations about Bitcoin and Web3 and you can check out what happened below.

When Cardi B asked online if crypto will replace the US dollar, Dorsey hopped in the comments and said this:

As Fortune publication notes, Dorsey is one of Bitcoin’s biggest cheerleaders, saying earlier this year at the Bitcoin 2021 conference in Miami that the crypto “changes everything” for him.

He also said the following:

“I don’t think there’s anything more important in my lifetime to work on, and I don’t think there’s anything more enabling for people around the world.”

Stay tuned for more Bitcoin-related news.

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