Help Spreading the Word for the Bitcoin Revolution With In Bitcoin We Trust | by Sylvain Saurel | Dec, 2021

Help Spreading the Word for the Bitcoin Revolution With In Bitcoin We Trust | by Sylvain Saurel | Dec, 2021

The Bitcoin revolution will continue to progress in this way.

Illustration by Sylvain Saurel

The Bitcoin white paper was published on the Internet on October 31, 2008, by Satoshi Nakamoto. A few weeks later, on January 3, 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto officially started the Bitcoin network. An incredible monetary revolution had just begun, but no one knew it at the time. Not even Satoshi Nakamoto could predict such a success for Bitcoin.

It must be said that Bitcoin’s opponents were quick to criticize this unique system based on the assembly of 7 technological components that had been known to everyone for a very long time. If you listen to the first opponents of Bitcoin in the first half of the 2010s, you’ll hear that Bitcoin was just a fad of a few nerds that would never be successful.

And then Bitcoin continued its revolution. The idea of a decentralized leaderless hard money just kept getting more and more people interested. So much so that Bitcoin finally broke $1,000 for the first time in December 2013. Bitcoin’s opponents then started to get a little more serious.

It was around this time that the first attacks appeared explaining that Bitcoin was a scam, just another Ponzi scheme. Although many experts have since proven that this is not the case, the idea has remained ingrained in the general public. That’s the problem with liars: their ideas tend to stick in people’s minds.

So helping to democratize Bitcoin is a matter of understanding not only why Bitcoin is important, but also what Bitcoin is. I have been writing about Bitcoin daily for several years for this reason. Trying to give as many people as possible the opportunity to benefit from this incredible monetary revolution.

While the year 2020 will forever be remembered as the tipping point for Bitcoin, there is still constant work to be done. For those who doubt it, just look at how the powerful in the current system continue to lie about Bitcoin and the current system. Their goal is clear: to do everything possible to protect an unfair system that fully benefits them.

For things to change, it has to come from the people. This is precisely what Bitcoin represents: a great reset of the current system that comes from the people. Because if Bitcoin has become the success it is today, it is only because of these users. Bitcoin surpassed the $1T market cap in February 2021 for the first time in its history. And yet, Bitcoin has never been backed by private investment banks or governments.

The Bitcoin revolution is advancing only because of the desire of its users to see an alternative system that is fairer to everyone become a permanent fixture. A system that allows everyone to take back the power over their lives. A system that gives you the freedom to live on your own terms. An inclusive system that will change the lives of the hundreds of millions of people unfairly excluded from the current system.

Because to benefit from Bitcoin, all you need is a smartphone and an Internet connection. Thus, more than 60% of the world’s population already has de facto access to Bitcoin if they want it.

To do this, you first need to be aware of what Bitcoin is and the problems it addresses. And that’s where knowledge makes all the difference. That’s why I write about Bitcoin every day. To help at least one more person every day to get past the clichés about Bitcoin and make up their own mind. If after studying Bitcoin for a long time, you decide it’s not for you. That’s your right.

Bitcoin does not impose anything on you. Its value comes from the conscious choice of more than 130 million people to own it as I write this. Bitcoin is freedom because no one imposes its value on you. It is the people who decide. If Bitcoin has a price of more than $55K, it is because its users decide freely. This is the opposite of fiat currencies whose value is imposed on us by our governments.

So that everyone can make up their own mind about Bitcoin, I think you too have a role to play in this incredible monetary revolution. This can be done on several levels. The first thing you can do is to share this newsletter with people around you who haven’t yet had a chance to understand the why of Bitcoin:

By helping them discover this newsletter, I hope they can get a real sense of this monetary revolution. It will then be up to them to make an informed decision about what they want to do to protect their money future.

In my case, that means Bitcoin.

The second thing is to go one step further and offer a subscription to the newsletter In Bitcoin We Trust to people you know so that they can benefit from all my articles, but also from my book “2020: The Year When Everything Changed for Bitcoin which is offered to all subscribers as a welcome gift. It’s a great way to support the Bitcoin revolution, my work, and to help these people make the best decisions for their money future:

The last thing is directly relevant to you. You have been a subscriber to this newsletter for several months. If you appreciate my work to help share the Bitcoin revolution daily, you could go a step further to support my work by switching to the premium plan:

This will allow you to have access to all my articles, my book, but also to help more and more people have the chance to discover and strengthen their beliefs about the Bitcoin revolution as you have been able to do by reading In Bitcoin We Trust Newsletter for many months.

The Bitcoin revolution will continue to progress in this way, helping new people every day to form their own opinions about the flaws in the current system and how Bitcoin ingeniously addresses them.

Stay strong, stay a Bitcoin HODLer.

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