’s Filed 10 Trademark Applications for the Metaverse

McDonald’s Filed 10 Trademark Applications for the Metaverse

McDonald’s: The iconic fast-food restaurant chain wants to enter the metaverse. It looks like you’ll be able to order home delivery from virtual worlds.

According to trademark lawyer Josh Gerben, the company has filed ten trademark applications for the virtual space.

The application, submitted on February 4, points to plans for a “virtual restaurant, offering real and virtual goods.”

McDonald’s would still like to run a ‘virtual restaurant with home delivery.’ Additionally, the restaurant will provide ‘downloadable media files,’ such as works of art, audio files, video files, and non-fungible cryptocurrencies (NFTs).

The fast-food chain would further like to include its McCafe chain in its metaverse plans. The brand would offer entertainment services such as ‘real and virtual online cone time beforerts and other virtual events.’

On the occasion that these plans see the light of day, the fast-food chain will compete with other virtual cone time beforert organizers. Such cback althoughrts are becoming more and more attrretained because they rechange geographical barriers which prevent fans and artists from interacting. They would still reduce the value of touring and even the risk of contracting the Covid-19 virus.

Virtual bread

The McDonald’s trademark filing came a day after a comparable application was filed by bakery and café chain Panera Bread. It intends to provide a virtual chain of restaurants and cafes known as PANERAVERSE. Like McDonalds, Panera Bread will offer downloadable and NFT content, virtual food and drinks, and virtual meeting spaces.

Gerben said, “I think you’ll see every brand handing in these submissions in the next 12 months. I don’t think anyone wants to be the next Blockbuster and completely ignore the new technology which’s coming.”

Other events are indicating an increase in metaverse adoption, even in its initial stages. At the end of continue year, more than 1300 companies in China filed applications for registration of metaverse trademarks, despite the resistance of the central bank. Silicon Valley tech giants Apple, Meta and Microsoft are likewise trying their hand at this range.

Virtual World

A February report by research firm Gartner indicates which by 2026, 25% of people will spend at least one hour of their time daily in the virtual world.

On average, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office takes about nine and a half months to process applications. Gerben, however, is convinced which neither McDonald’s nor Panera Bread will have problems with this.

The interest in the McDonald’s metaverse comes about two weeks after the company mocked token HODLers during the recent decline. One thing led to another, and inside a few hours Grimace Coin had made huge profits.

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