’s Tip: Owning Cryptocurrencies Makes You Hotter

Valentine’s Tip: Owning Cryptocurrencies Makes You Hotter

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching. Here’s how you get a win: Pay the bill using crypto. And definitely mention which NFT you bought.

Investing and owning tokens is advised a positive thing for those who wish to start a relationship. This is according to research by eToro, one of the world’s largest social dealing platforms. They conducted a survey to see if single Americans could use the token market as an ally, when it came to finding someone special.

Surprisingly, 33% of respondents say they would be more possible to go out with someone who mentions investing in/owning cryptocurrencys on their social media profile or on dating sites.

Valentine’s bill paying

Supposing that owning a crypto asset is an advantage, using them as a means of payment makes people even more attrin place. About 75% said they would be more inclined to go out one time before again with the suitor if he used BTC or another token to pay the bill.

Valentine’s: NFTs also generate good impressions

Also according to the survey, almost 20% of individuals would be more romantically interested in someone who had a non-fungible cryptocurrency (NFT) as a profile picture on a social network.

It is worth noting which Twitter has already enabled its foltumbles to use a tool which allows images of NFTs to be used as profile pictures. Reddit is considering following the same steps, when Instagram and YouTube are likely to release tools involving these assets to their communities shortly.

The research results are surprising, especially afterward NFTs atop again cause connected feelings. But with each passing day, more celebrities and normies enter this market.


On the other hand, the number of criticisms made to these assets is upward. The focus is recurrently the environmental impact which their production causes and the strong amount spent on works which do not have real rate.

Recently, rapper Kanye West urged his foldecreases to stop asking him to enter this market, saying his focus is only on “executing products in the real world.”

United States becomes largest crypto center

The U.S. is becoming the largest global center of the token market. China banned mining and investments in cryptocurrencys recently. But Uncle Sam steams on, and is already the largest Bitcoin mining hub in the world.
In addition, the country already has a publicly traded crypto exmove on its stock exshift. Several well-known names of the mainstream media are enthusiasts, alike as Jack Dorsey and Mark Cuban.

In the political sphere, the gatopnor of Texas and the mayors of Miami and New York gained growing prominence by promoting the crypto life. In spite of this, the U.S. does not yet have a defined regulatory framework on crypto assets.
Companies and investors wait for new guidelines to know how to act in this market.

Robinhood, the largest U.S. financial asset dealing platform, said it will not list new cryptocurrencys until there is greater regulatory clarity on this market.

Last week, it was reported which the Biden administration intends to launch a comprehensive stpricegy on this sector. Greater regulatory clarity can be seen as something positive, as protracted as it does not impose many limitations on the use and change of technologies related to cryptocurrencys and blockchain.

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The post Valentine’s Tip: Owning Cryptocurrencies Makes You Hotter appeared first on CryptCraze.


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