–-Trustnodes.jpgVitalik Buterin Speaks Out Against War in Ukraine – Trustnodes

Vitalik Buterin Speaks Out Against War in Ukraine – Trustnodes

The Russian born ethereum co-founder, Vitalik Buterin, has spoken out against what is rumored to be an imminent invasion of Ukraine.

“An attack on Ukraine can only harm Russia, Ukraine and humanity,” Buterin said before adding:

“Whether the situation will return to a peaceful path or there will be a war can now be decided not by Zelensky, not by NATO, but by the Kremlin. I hope they choose wisely.”

The fluent Russian speaking coder met Vladimir Putin, Russia’s president, in 2017 afterwhich it is said Putin fell ‘ill’ with the blockchain.

Raised in Canada, the now billionaire has been across the world, though it is not clear whether he has visited Ukraine.

Nor is it clear whether Putin will pay much attention with rumors circulating in papers that America now thinks Russia has actually decided to invade Ukraine.

That coincides with a demand by the United States towards all of its citizens to leave Ukraine within the next 24 to 48 hours as US president Joe Biden is apparently so scared of Putin that he won’t even send troops to evacuate his own citizens.

You can imagine the choices some of them may be facing on whether to leave their family behind which they might have to on commercial airlines, but usually wouldn’t need to in an evacuation as such visa rules are waived in such situations for family members of American citizens.

The urgency of the matter may be due to a brief window as the German chancellor Olaf Scholz appears to be the last to visit the Kremlin this Tuesday.

Although obviously nothing can be ruled out, you would logically think that it would be a huge affront against Germany and Europe for an incursion before Scholz gets there.

There is always the element of surprise, but while Russia takes months to mobilize, Germany needs just a day so it is more that after the 15th, it isn’t quite clear what will happen. Thus Americans and now Brits as well have been asked to leave immediatly.

Moscow too has asked its non essential diplomatic staff to leave as Europe faces its biggest crisis since Hitler.

Markets are not quite responding however as there were signs and expectations diplomacy would prevail, and until Scholz that hope may remain, although that may be changing:

The newly elected Chancellor apparently won’t be offering much new, but all of Europe and the world will be watching closely to see just what is the German civil service.

He has great weight and great power, and if he doesn’t know it, you’d expect the German civil service to know it. The rest will probably know enough if he is sat at that long table.

And while Buterin blames Russia, which of course would be the chief culprit, the trepidation of America to send troops to even evacuate its own citizens speaks of a clear weakness by the Biden administration which from get go made it clear troops won’t be sent even while negotiations were, and maybe still are, on the table.

For while he does not want to fight Russia, Putin did put bounties on Americans in Afghanistan, is fighting Americans in Syria, Biden himself says they interfered in US elections, and yet America never pointed out a war with USA also means nukes.

Russia has one of the biggest army in the world Biden says, and so they can just bulldoze over Europe?

Israel will also stand out for criticism if Putin does go in. They are staying neutral, which of course means they’re backing Russia.

Speculation will of course be, if he does go in, that Biden gave up Ukraine for who knows what because the big talk clearly has no action.

But Germany, which would directly be threatened by such incursion as Poland would be surrounded by Russian troops that would then be on its door, does have many tools.

And its civil service has shown some skills in playing Russia’s tactics against Russia, with it unpredictable what exactly would happen once the situation changes from peace to war.

So the decision is Kremlin’s, but the failure is yet to be determined as the rich and powerful Europe and USA is reduced to mere Ukrainian Olympians (pictured) calling for no war when it could have ensured there isn’t one by daring Russia to shoot on its troops greenmen holidaying visitors mercenaries Chechen freedom fighters imperialist Moscow v the starved rest of Russsia siberian independence impoverished Caucus by imperialist Russia and a whole equivalent menu that Russia’s dictator uses on Europe while Europe just takes the punches.

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