Axiom to Mint NFTs in Space on First Private Mission to ISS – Trustnodes
“Human spaceflight enters a new chapter with the first private mission to the International Space Station (ISS) through Axiom Space,” says Axiom before adding:
“Global space enthusiasts will have the opportunity to be part of the missions in a way never before available.
With the launch of Axiom Space NFTs, community participation will directly impact the future of space exploration… With Axiom Space’s mission to create the first space city, Axiom Space NFTs will enable and encourage more people to get involved in space exploration.”
SpaceX’s Falcon 9 is just an hour away from launching the Axiom Space Ax-1 mission with a surprise waiting the currently tens of thousands watching the livestream.
An NFT will be minted by the Axiom crew while they are in space at ISS. Trustnodes is told:
“A famous artist, known for his paintings and sculptures of iconic images of space exploration, has created exclusive pieces to commemorate the Ax-1 mission, including an augmented reality 3D spacewalker.
In addition, Axiom’s custom NFT marketplace will feature digital artwork associated with the Ax-1 mission from the crew members representing their research and work on the ISS.
Axiom’s NFTs will be released over the coming days with the first official drop occurring during the Ax-1 crew’s mission.”
Axiom Space is to further debut an NFT Marketplace while minting NFTs from space with the Houston-based entity aiming to fly paying customers for stays of up to eight days aboard the International Space Station.
They plan to build up to four new ISS modules which will become their own private space station when ISS is retired in 2030.
Their NFT website opens with “be part of the Axiom Space’s web3 space community.”
Indicating NFTs are about to start playing some sort of role in the greatest game of all: space exploration.
Updates to follow with the NFTs.