Tony Hsieh Tragedy Explains Why The World Needs Bitcoin

The Tony Hsieh Tragedy Explains Why The World Needs Bitcoin

Zappos Founder Tony Hsieh passed away mysteriously in a fire last year and now all of his so called friends and family are fighting over his $500 million fortune.

He started an online shoe e-commerce company called Zappos and sold it to Amazon for over $1 billion in 2009. According to the [WSJ](, he didn’t have a will and owned over $100 million in real estate plus $400 million in securities through Morgan Stanley.

Now, all these leeches and lowlifes are going to court and asking for a chunk of his fortune using post-it notes as evidence (I kid you not).

What can Bitcoiners learn from this sad tragedy?

All your wealth can be taken from you if you hold traditional assets like stocks, bonds, real estate, etc. You are also likely to be surrounded by psuedo-friends who don’t give a damn about you.

Enter Bitcoin. BTC is the perfect solution to this problem. No one can take your coins from you if they don’t have your private keys. You can anonymously control a massive sum of wealth without anyone knowing about it.

Thus, you won’t attract the wrong types of people and nobody can profit from your early demise or death. Michael Saylor said it best in the Tucker Carlson interview that “Bitcoin is the only asset you can take to the grave.”

We are now living in such a wicked times that the devaluation of the US dollar has caused greed & envy to reach all-time highs.

Bitcoin is the only way to protect your assets from thieves, scammers, and hyperinflation. Hopefully more non-coiners will get a clue and realize that Bitcoin can literally save your life.

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