for credible counterarguments to a unique take on how state sized bad actors could break Bitcoin’s security model with minimal cost (N.B. I do not believe this is the case!)

Looking for credible counterarguments to a unique take on how state sized bad actors could break Bitcoin’s security model with minimal cost (N.B. I do not believe this is the case!)

Hi there fellow Bitcoiners!

In my recent dive down the rabbit hole I stumbled across [this critical article]( which in summary attempts to articulate that a nation-state sized adversarial threat could successfully attack the bitcoin network by firstly joining the network as an ally, running ASICS on a (small) deficit to price out competitors and accumulate majority share of the hash rate over time before committing the usual 51% attack methods (Transaction censorship, denial of service etc).

I feel as though this is a broken argument that can only exist in a vacuum which excludes some of Bitcoin’s technological and economical defence mechanisms, but would love to hear your thoughts?

*EDIT: Please don’t downvote simply because you disagree with the article. I disagree as well – but would prefer to have a constructive, well thought discussion about why this could not be a credible attack vector as opposed to just burying the thread. Thanks.*

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