We have essentially reached the point in Bitcoin’s evolution where if you are hodling the equivalent of the current block reward amount than you can consider yourself “rich”/set for life. This will continue until 2140….

HYPOTHESIS: We have essentially reached the point in Bitcoin’s evolution where if you are hodling the equivalent of the current block reward amount than you can consider yourself “rich”/set for life. This will continue until 2140….

*HYPOTHESIS: We have essentially reached the point in Bitcoin’s evolution where if you are hodling the equivalent of the current block reward amount than you can consider yourself “rich”/set for life. This will continue until 2140.*

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Firstly, obviously “rich’ is subjective. By rich I mean, ability to live well above the average standard of living/an extremely padded and enhanced retirement supplement/the ability to buy a house/many times what the average yearly salary is/etc. That is what I mean by “rich”. (not lambo rich) Something we are all striving for with bitcoin. To have “made it”, so to speak.

Currently if you have amassed 6.3 Bitcoins(the current block reward) you would have 250k$. I truly see this bench mark of success playing out with just about each halving going forward. Essentially coming to fruition within 5 years ish of that era. This should be a benchmark you use to set your goals. Going forward, most people aren’t going to own what the current block reward equals. I mean, most don’t now.

Current Bitcoin halving schedule…

Random example… Reward ERA 10= 0.09765625BTC (around 2048)

Now you ask, “Will I really be “rich” with .096BTC?” I say yes!

While Bitcoin will always have it’s ebbs and flows this bench mark by 2048 will be a place that most crypto people won’t have reached. Think about that for minute. rewards get incredibly small going forward and it seems unfathomable that, that small amount of bitcoin is going to equal a retirement account. But I truly believe it will…. the beauty of a deflationary finite asset.

What do you think?

(No, I don’t have moons vault. I do real crypto 😉

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