Cruz Just Perfectly Explained Why Authoritarians Hate Bitcoin

Ted Cruz Just Perfectly Explained Why Authoritarians Hate Bitcoin

Bitcoin is causing a massive shift in politics.

We used to have **left** versus **right**, i.e. about how exactly to organize the forcible redistribution of resources from one vague demographic to another.

Both left and right are fundamentally **Statist** and aspire to establish maximum control, because they need that control to redistribute resources through the State.

Bitcoin is now massively boosting the **anti-Statist** wing in politics, which advocates the removal of as much State control as possible, regardless of what exactly the State needs the control for.

The State is doing the job of what traditionally the nuclear family, the extended family, the clan, the community, and the tribe used to do. All of these traditional onion layers around the individual are mostly gone now in the West and in China.

The State may not be a viable substitute for these onion layers, but nothing at all is not a solution either.

There was always going to be a lot of trouble ahead for the individualized, atomized population in the West and in China, irrespective of whether anti-Statism now takes over or not. Enjoy the decline!


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