Social Media: Jack Dorsey Joins The Board Of Bluesky | CryptoGazette

Decentralizing Social Media: Jack Dorsey Joins The Board Of Bluesky | CryptoGazette

It’s been just revealed that Jack Dorsey makes another interesting move in terms of decentralization. Check out the latest reports involving ex-Twitter CEO below.

The official press release notes the following:

“In 2019, Twitter announced bluesky, a project it would fund to create an open and decentralized standard for social media.”

The notes continued and said that since then, the Bluesky community has been working together to better understand the existing decentralized web ecosystem.

More than that, the project also aims to outline the core tenets of what an open protocol for social media should include and the technologies on which it should be built.

Check out their enthusiastic announcement below:

“Today, we are excited to announce the formation of the Bluesky PBLLC, a Public Benefit LLC that will implement that vision as an independent organization. Our mission is to develop and drive large-scale adoption of technologies for open and decentralized public conversation.”

The notes also reveal that the group was formed in late 2021 with the initial funding provided by Twitter.

“Our board members include Jack Dorsey, a founder of Twitter, Jeremie Miller, the inventor of Jabber/XMPP, and Jay Graber, CEO of the Bluesky company.”

Check out the complete notes in order to learn all the available details.

Dorsey supports the launch of new fund

Last month, it’s been revealed that the former Twitter chief Jack Dorsey is currently helping launch a new fund that will support the defense of Bitcoin devs against litigation.

The Block Crypto revealed that its first port of call will be to come to the aid of the Bitcoin developers who are being sued by Craig Wright’s Tulip Trading Limited over an alleged “breach of fiduciary duty.”


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