
Modern trends

I’ll probably get downvoted by any trend followers, but I think there’s an important distinction to be made between the current model of execution for NFTs and their concept for proof of ownership which DOES have potential for great applications in the future.

NFTs currently are just like any other cryptocurrency – They’re likely to be a scam, there to enrich those who create it – I won’t deny this.

**Rather than go deep into the whys and whats, I’ll just say this:**

NFTs have a dependency on blockchain technology.

The **only** NFT worth considering is the one backed by the longest running blockchain, as that is the most secure way of proof of ownership. NFTs haven’t really hit the Bitcoin blockchain just yet.

If you see the potential for NFTs on the Bitcoin Timechain and understand it’s not there yet, but also trash NFTs with all resolve and no compromise, then you’re doing a disservice to NFTs as a whole regardless of future potential, based on their present form.

If you trash NFTs and don’t care about their potential application in Bitcoin’s Timechain, then you were never here for the tech, only for the profits, in which case you’re contradicting yourself.


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