BTC Automatic Trader status

The BTC Automatic Trader status

Hi everybody



I’m the author of probably the worst BTC trading robots that trade based on the Fear and Greed index, the Rainbow chart and a simple USDC/BTC portfolio balancer.

These three strategies operate on their own account with 10 USD initial deposits. Since starting they have been trying to decide whether to sell, buy or do nothing once per day ever since.

Start dates:

Fear and Greed: 26th Nov

Rainbow: 26th Nov

Portfolio Balancer: 7th Jan


**Monthly Status -** **4th Jan to 4th Feb**

The Rainbow Chart has been in “**Still Cheap**” territory all this time, so this strategy has basically been DCA’ing a small amount every day for a month.

The Fear and Greed Index has been in pretty depressive territory for a while, so this strategy already spent all its funds.

Portfolio Balancer bought using 60% of USD once at around price 42690 and rebalanced for a smaller amount when it dropped to 36173.


**Strategy Value before filling orders on 4th Feb:**


|Strategy|Account Value USD|USD|BTC|
|Fear and Greed|7.46|0.01|0.000200196|
|Portfolio Balancing|9.23|3.66|0.0001494|



While the Fear And Greed index bought too much at a high price, the Rainbow has been steadily buying on the way down. This puts it at only a tiny loss and should quickly come back up when price rises. Portfolio Balancing should be self-balancing, meaning it should not loose too much when going down, but also not gain too much when going up. It will be interesting to follow.



I would like to add more strategies, so please fill me in if you have some potentially good (and simple) ideas in mind!



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**Thanks for reading**

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