Aids Transparency Says, Jack Dorsey

Bitcoin Aids Transparency Says, Jack Dorsey

A country that implements universal basic income (UBI) will end up with a zero birth rate and die out, but only if on does not first get taken over by outsiders born elsewhere.

UBI will exacerbate the following scenario:

– **She:** I am a strong, independent woman. I don’t need no man.
– **He:** In that case, who is going to fund your brood while you are busy looking after it?
– **She:** The government will give me money.
– **He:** And where does the government get the money from?
– **She:** From the men, of course!

As a man, I am not paying into funding UBI.

If you want to make me pay, then prove that you willing to risk your life and die for what you believe in.

Seriously, UBI will inevitably lead to carrying out, mandated by the laws of nature, a wholesale extermination order against the simps who support it.


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