or wrong? Tldr bitcoin bad for environment.

Right or wrong? Tldr bitcoin bad for environment.

First, Bitcoin mining uses less than one percent of all power consumed by humans. Like one-twentieth of one percent. Bitcoin’s energy usage is not a problem. Yes, our environment is experiencing serious problems, but Bitcoin mining is certainly not one of them.

Also, Bitcoin mining is able to utilize excess power. This actually helps the utility companies, when they make deals with large Bitcoin mining facilities — the miners use the excess power when it’s available, and shut off mining rigs when the energy provider has high demand from its other customers. It’s a win-win for the Bitcoin miners, the power generators. This especially helps organizations generating electricity from renewable sources: wind, solar, etc.

Also, Bitcoin miners are able to take advantage of “stranded energy”. For example, the mining rigs can be physically co-located with oil wells, then use the excess methane gas which would have otherwise been flared, polluting the atmosphere with “greenhouse” gasses. Win-win-win for the Bitcoin guys, the oil guys, and our air quality. For example, geothermal energy. There is abundant “volcano power” but the volcanoes are typically far from places where people could use the electricity. Again, the mining rigs can be taken to the geothermal sites – no need for lengthy transmission lines, etc.

I hope you see that somebody was trying to blow smoke up your ass. I hope that makes you at least a little angry at them; they are filthy liars.

I hope that you will help us to gently spread the truth to others. Bitcoin is good. Good for honest, hardworking people. Good for the environment by helping to promote/finance “clean energy”. Bitcoin is bad for criminal central bankers and their criminal scumbag cronies. Bitcoin is bad for tyrannical politicians.


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