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https://ift.tt/QHA3BXE launches $500 million crypto fund

Sequoia launches $500 million crypto fund


TL;DR Breakdown

• Private investment company joins its competitors in the crypto market.
• Sequoia seems more interested in new cryptos than those that top the virtual market list.

After coming off a hot streak in crypto funding firms, the Sequoia company revealed that it would launch its next fund towards the crypto range between $500 and $600 million. In this way, the private investment agency becomes the last to get involved with the decentralized market.

Cryptocurrencies have gained credibility since 2021, when Bitcoin, the number one token in the virtual market, hit new all-time highs in value. The California-based company plans to invest its money in cryptos traded on third-party exchanges to complement the plans of its alternative firm.

Sequioa to buy cryptos


Sequoia, a private investment company that competes with big US firms like Accel Partners, has just spoken about its interest in crypto. The agency keeps an eye on crypto growth and how cryptos will change the traditional financial market. Under these thoughts, the company bought innovative tokens like Filecoin and Deso.

Maguire Shaun, one of the company’s partners believes this crypto fund will help future negotiations gain priority. The growth that cryptos have had in the last five years is exceptional, and that is why large companies like Sequoia see a tentative market. Although the agency did not explain the crypto trade that would soon open, expectations are high among fans.

Sequoia private investment plans to join top crypto traders list

According to reports, the private investment company Sequoia will allocate over $600 million to purchase cryptos. This fund would join the list of crypto investments between US companies that, according to the figures kept by PitchBook, cover over $30,000 million since 2021. This graph increased over seven times when compared to past years.

Crypto investments have skyrocketed due to the Bitcoin rise and other cryptos in recent months. BTC reached an ATH of $66,000 for November 2021.

Sequoia has ridden the crypto adoptions wave and big companies like Paradigm. For November, the private investment agency sent $2,500 million to the Dapps. Andreessen Horowitz also sent some $2 billion to a crypto fund.

These investments are attractive for the crypto market currently in decline, according to the graphs shown on CoinMarketCap. Sequoia seems interested in new cryptos that promise a more balanced performance than older tokens like Ethereum. Filecoin, one of the company’s investment prospects, has just hit the top forty cryptos as regards market cap with a value of $21.75 per token.

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