Lore Series Quest #4

Metaversal Lore Series Quest #4

Metaversal Lore Series Quest #4

Previously on Lore stories…The ancient Crytopedia of Metaversal Lore is destroyed by a single smoothie. Interim Librarian McCullum makes a desperate call for help to rewrite the book of Lore before his uncle finds out and sends him to Federation Boot Camp. Our story continues…

‘Yo Explorer Dudes. This is your Homie McCullum. Your Lore entries last week starting with the letter C were beyond bodacious! Now, I thought with A, B & C covered I’d be home and dry. But it turns out there are more than three letters in the alphabet. Who knew?!

So this week I need Lore entries starting with the letter D which (fun fact!) is the 4th letter of the alphabet!

But you know, Explorer Dudes, sitting in this closet for the last 2 weeks has got me thinkin that the library industry may not be the awesome career choice that I once thought. So I’ve decided to advertise for a new librarian who can take over from me so I can, well, get as far from here as is Metaversaly possible.

So this week I need Lore entries starting with the letter D which (fun fact!) is the 4th letter of the alphabet!

I already got my first response (see below) — but I’m not sure this dude is cut out for it.

I could really do with some better options. If you can think of someone who could be the next librarian then tell us about him/her/it and I’ll reward each resume with a bonus NFT! So send me your lore — and a resume — and get your rewards! Peace!’

Here are a couple of examples for the letter ‘D’

Divine BladePron (d-vine)

The Divine Blade is the weapon of choice of the female Nordics. When sheathed on the hip of a high priestess the blade emits its mystical glow much celebrated in the popular folk song ‘The Hips Telleth Not Falsehoods’.

Donna Diane — Pron (Don-aaa-die-ann)

Donna Diane is an astrophysicist that provided the atmospheric entry formula that allowed Explorers to safely land on Magor. Donna Diane’s work is considered invaluable, especially to the Little Green people that excavate the planet’s bountiful resources around the clock.

Dogbone (Category: Food type)

A hard, sour tasting weed extract chewed by Explorers most notably to pass the time on 12 week missions.

Earn Additional Rewards

The Metaversal Library of Lore is hiring! Submit a resume along with your lore entries using the format below as a guide. Feel free to add a picture!

Yo Applicant Dude! It’s radically awesome that you’re applying for the role of Librarian. Please tell us some cool stuff about you:

Name: Borgflatch Bookeater

Ethnicity: Book Eaters of Alvaron

Hobbies: Eating Books

Favourite Food: Books

Why do you want to work at the library? So I can eat all the books.

Achievements: Young Library Destroyer of the Year

Experience: Raised on Pulp Fiction.

Criminal Record: None — I am highly skilled at not being caught

Weaknesses / Flaws: Poetry makes me gag

Reference from last employer: ‘We urgently needed 3 libraries destroyed and Borgflatch was our saviour! He excelled as Acting-Assistant Deputy Book Muncher and I would highly recommend him.’



Post your best lore entries that correspond with each week’s letter. Every thoughtful submission will receive an Alien Worlds NFT! In addition, the top 3 entries as voted on by the community will receive an additional Alien Worlds NFT. Please include your WAX wallet address with your entry.

*Entries that are not related to the letter of the week will be disqualified. Alien Worlds reserves the right to revoke entries for plagiarism and other fraudulent activity.

Time: Saturday at 00:00 UTC — Monday at 23:59 UTC.

Location: Alien Worlds Official Discord (Contest Submission Channel) Please ask Community Support team members on any platform for assistance if needed.

Voting: After the submission period, voting will be unlocked for a period of 48 hours, when the community will decide the best entries for the week.


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