on “mr wonderful’s” take on bitcoin mining?

Thoughts on “mr wonderful’s” take on bitcoin mining?

It would seem like you’d want mining to be as clean as possible. That part is the “kernel of truth” at the heart of the deception.

Just like Musk, whom I’ve always known was a clown, sadly I think this guy is too.

Virtually all of these people you see “changing their minds” in public are probably clowns like this, put the makeup on… take it off… put the bulb nose on, make a balloon puppy – pop it and watch the simps claw over each other for the burst balloon dregs… blow up another one. Power trip, blind to the strings pulling his own actions.

I don’t blame him on that last bit. Being able to see the strings is absolutely horrifying. Knowing there’s nothing you can do about them is even worse, especially when you were indoctrinated to believe in fairy tales like “free will” and “personal responsibility.”

It’s possible for people to be honest with each other through media. I think it’s rare though, especially in light of how prone humans are to fitness payoffs rather than pursuit of the truth value of propositions – so confused are they that the two are usually conflated.


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